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The New Job, Part 3 (Conclusion)

Posted on Mon May 20, 2019 @ 6:49am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel

809 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: USS Winchester
Timeline: 2376

“And what are your views book operations?” Pierce asked.

Dorian took a sip from his cup and nodded. "Sir, unfortunately we have enemies that don't.share our sense of morality or restraint. I feel that as Starfleet officers we need to do whatever is necessary to protect the Federation," he said while maintaining eye contact with the captain.

Pierce merely nodded. “I currently have a good working relationship with Gul Iliana Dahe’el of the CDF Skorpio. We have both been assigned by our respective governments to the oversight of Southeast District 45 of the capital. Our crews have worked closely in fending off raids from the Klingons in District 44. Gul Dahe’el has, on occasion, given useful intelligence information over to me that she thought useful for keeping the peace and stability in the district. in return, I have arranged to have her assigned as the CDF Military Liaison to the Federation for the duration of the occupation, hopefully with a promotion to legate soon. I believe she is a Cardassian that can be trusted, one of the younger generation with less animus toward outsiders and more willingness to cooperate with the interstellar community.”

Pierce sipped from a cup of coffee before he continued, “One of the pieces of information she gave us was about this woman.” He tapped on the controls of the holo-table and an image of a Cardassian woman appeared. “This is Moia Ilmater. She was formerly a high ranking operative of the Obsidian Order. As you know, the Order was all but destroyed the year prior to the beginning of the war, and with the new civilian Detapa Council, she was forced to find...other lines of work. She freelanced for the Order’s successor, the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, for a while, but mostly she used her contacts from her time in the Order to set up a network to enter the arms trade. Because of her high rank in the Order, Ilmater has access to information even most of her CIB colleagues didn’t, and I am looking for some specific information I believe she may be able to assist in obtaining. Gul Dahe’el believes Ilmater is planning to access a former Order blacksite and raid its weapons stores. I want you to infiltrate her organization and assist her in retrieving the weapons cache, and then obtain access to the site’s computer and upload a worm into the system.”

Dorian took a sip as he processed the information. "I see. How deep undercover would I need to go for this assignment?" he asked. "Change of appearance? If she's as clever as you say she is, then she'll have spies that can obtain my Starfleet record. How do we get around that?" he asked

“We have you dishonorably discharged,” Pierce said. “We alter that record. We give you a cache of the latest phaser designs you liberated from the armory. Maybe even run you through a penal colony for a bit, if we have the time.”

Dorian let the scenario turn over in his mind for several moments. This would not be a simple task of just pretending to be a derelict. He would have to accept all that was going to come with the assignment. Tarnished record, theft, dishonorable discharge...words that he never thought he would have to actually consider being associated with his file.

Conversely, Dorian was willing to do whatever was necessary to protect the Federation from an obvious threat that was being ignored for the sake of diplomacy.

"I understand, sir. I'm ready to do whatever is necessary for the assignment," Dorian said with conviction. "What's next?" he asked.

Artemis nodded. “We’ll be sure to clean it up as much as possible after the op,” he promised, making a note on the padd. “Lieutenant Ivanova will be your handler. She will work you through it.” He considered. “The Jaros II stockade should do nicely. It isn’t posh like the New Zealand Penal Settlement. A month there and we can have you escape. Spread some rumors of the weapons cache you stole. Make sure people are interested.”

"So when do we get started, sir?" Dorian asked as he finished his drink and placed the cup down. Dorian did not have any family to kiss goodbye or any serious commitments. He figured that it was best to begin this undertaking sooner rather than delay it any longer.

“As soon as you are ready,” Artemis said. He handed the padd to Ivanova. “Get that down to your intel team and get this man into a jumpsuit.” He smiled at Dorian and offered his hand. “Welcome to the thin grey line, Mr. Gabriel.”


Lieutenant Natalya Ivanovna
Intelligence Officer/Section 31
USS Winchester

Captain Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant Dorian Gabriel
Intelligence Officer/Undercover recruit


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