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Practically Perfect (Part II of II)

Posted on Tue Apr 30, 2019 @ 9:17pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,668 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Amia's quarters
Timeline: MD07 1900

Previously in Practically Perfect

Klia giggled, and ran a hand through her shortened red hair. "Okay, maybe we'll put some parameters on the randomisation." She rolled again, and the result was someone a much more natural shade for a Human/ Ba'ku, neat long hair, and a pleasant mezzo-soprano that sounded far more normal. Klia added an inoffensive knee length dress and sensible shoes. "How's that?"

Amia shrugged and looked apologetic. "I don't want to be ungrateful. I'm sure she'll be wonderful" she conceded with a smile, not willing to ask for something just a tiny bit less...plain? .....especially seeing as she'd rejected the blue haired squeaky from before. "Thank you Klia. Thank you SO much!" she said, genuinely grateful.

"Now, would you like to stop for a bite of supper?" Amia asked tentatively. "You've earned it for sure!" she looked hopeful.

And now the conclusion

"Always." given their earlier conversation, Klia couldn't just leave Amia alone again. "What's materializing?"

"I didn't have anything in mind yet so you can choose whatever you fancy?" Amia admitted. "I'll just put the baby's bottle order in and then we can have whatever we like." she beamed, approaching the replicator, her absence from view causing the tot to begin to fret and then grizzle.

"Oh please Lia.... I'm just here" Amia tutted and popped her head back round the furniture before going back to her task. Liana brightened but soon went back to frowning as soon as he mother was out of sight again.

"You can see what's happening here." Amia called across the kitchenette to Klia. "She doesn't see other people so she thinks I'm the only person who exists. I think your amazing nanny will be just what we need. Is she set up so I can change her looks a bit now and then, that way Lia will get used to the idea that there are other people who can help her survive who don't all look like me!"

Klia tapped her padd, and Amia's terminal pinged. "She's all yours now. She's also linked in to the comms system so she can call you and sick bay in the event of a severe emergency"

"Amazing!" Amia was so impressed. "You're a genius Klia. Thank you so much. What should we call her? She has to have a name, right?"

"Uh...The Nanny?" Klia wasn't sure. It wasn't exactly supposed to be a historical person or a character in a holonovel or lecture.

"Yes" Amia said "Of course! She can't just be called nanny can she? She needs a name! I mean nanny Telamon is Cade's mum and my mother would have been nanny Soren if she had been alive.....SorEn was my maiden name.." she added as she remembered that most of the people on this station usually thought that her maiden-name meant she was related to the CO so it was customary to her by now that she would emphasise the different spelling if she ever mentioned it.

"I don't want Liana to think the hologram is another of her grandmothers" she finished her point with a soft shrug.

"You could always name her after a fictional one. OR some famous one from history. There's a series of Bolian children's stories featuring a character called Mama Goji, or who's the woman who owned Toby the Targ?"

Amia laughed. "You mean Wanda? The white witch?" she shook her head grinning. "I actually like the name Wanda.... I think we'll have to put that into the favourites short list" she beamed. "Or how about Della the Draizon? she was a superwoman! Yes, i think Della is a nice possibility".

"You're the customer," Klia laughed. "You can call her Tabitha Tallulah Thundersparkles if you want."

"OOh..... " Amia grinned. "Nahh." she countered and picked up her daughter putting her into her chair so she could be fed. "Please help yourself" she said to Klia, putting out some salad from the fridge and a selection of cheeses and quiche slices, ham and a couple of fresh baguettes which she sliced open ready for filling. She had some dressing in a little jug with a lid and some pickles in a jar, all ready to pull out and pop onto plates and serving dishes before warming some blended vegetables from a large pot in the back of the fridge which she portioned out and warmed in a small dish, cooling it and then feeding to Liana's open mouth which devoured it at a rate of knots that implied she hadn't been fed in weeks.

"You'd never know she polished off an 8oz bottle just two hours ago, would you?" Amia commented as the puree disappeared down her daughter's hungry throat.

"I don't envy you the other end," Klia split open a baguette and began filling it with cheese and pickle. "If you palm that off onto my holograms, I'll consider it cruelty to animate objects."

Amia laughed aloud. "I like you Klia.... You have a way that makes even the most awful prospect - such as the nappy monster - into a good joke." she said, continuing to chuckle.

"I'm expecting your 'animate object' to have a sense of humour like yours! That would be amazing!" she added grinning. "either that, or I'll consider it part of the contract for you to come over for coffee or lunch or just to meet me somewhere to chat.... that's got to be in the small print somewhere, right?"

"She's an amalgam of several personalties, and fitted with some of the EMH's functions too, so she has all the prerequisite skills and qualifications. But she doesn't have my sense of humor." Klia bit off a chunk of her baguette, chewed and swallowed. "This is a good thing. Remember I write erotica for a living."

"Oooh! Am I not allowed that extension pack Amia laughed. "I could promise only to have her read me the stories after Liana went to bed" she grinned as she came to the end of the puree and was encouraged to open and begin supply of a yoghurt for afters in response to some grumbling from the tiny connoisseur whose voracious appetite was still unsatisfied.

"Mm. Not sure I feel I can install that into a child minder. It feels all wrong. Even for adults only consumption." She picked up her drink. "Maybe you should take a session on the Pleasure Goddesses of Rixx. Or a trip to the Lotus Lounge."

That thought caught Amia's imagination and she stopped, spoon and yoghurt in mid-air, much to the consternation of a put-out Liana, and mused: "You know, I should, shouldn't I. I'd like that. It's been way too long. Coming here, all the troubles, getting pregnant, Cade abandoning us, Liana's birth and first couple of months, I've actually forgotten that Amia exists beneath all ..... " Liana had waited long enough in her not so humble opinion and she let out a wail at the top of her extensive vocal range.

"OH... sorry.... " Amia apologised and remembered abruptly that the spoon hadn't reached the baby in several seconds. She put it into the open, very loudly emitting mouth which went silent again as Liana sucked in the cool, tasty yoghurt at last.

"Yeah. you should come do Riix. Or Lani's retirement fantasy. She likes those boys pretty." Klia tapped something into a pad, and showed Amia a picture of a tropical paradise, a crystal blue pool, in the heart of a lush jungle, a waterfall churning the water, cooling the air, the trees and shrubs in bloom in a riot of colour. A small harem of painfully pretty boys in shades of blue, purple and pink were lounging around. "They will spoil you utterly for as long as you want."

Amia wrinkled her nose. "They're so young and pretty, they might almost be girls!" she said with a shrug. "I always liked Yolanthe's Dabo boys but if I were to imagine something totally of my own preference, I'd choose men with testosterone. I'm not averse to muscles but then again, I don't like men who spend half their lives in front of glass panels admiring their own physique - something in the middle please." she requested.

"I can customise." Klia said. "I write the best porn. I have awards. Waiting on you hand and foot, a superb massage and a happy ending is not a problem at all."

"erm.... I'm not sure I like the idea of 'porn' exactly..... just eye candy?" Amia backed off from the idea of an automated sex toy which was the thing that was now overwhelming all her clarity of thought. She cleared her throat. "Maybe we'll just stay with what we've got, shall we?" she said looking a little nervous now.

"Okay, no happy ending. Just being treated like a princess. I have armies of eyecandy." Klia picked up some grapes. "I think you've earned some eyecandy."

"ooh I hope I have!" Amia grinned, picking up her now stuffed infant and patting her back gently in case she'd got any wind to get rid of.

"I know you have." She picked up her glass. "Here's to eye-candy, and practically perfect nannies."

"Eye candy and not quite perfect nannies... I can't handle the competition from someone perfect" Amia laughed with genuine humour. She wasn't actually threatened and she was looking forward to her new 'partner in crime' or was that 'partner in baby arts' something like that..... " Lifting her own glass around Liana's ear and almost getting a tiny fist in it for her trouble, Amia managed to dodge and get a good slurp of the lovely tasting wine and laughed again. "Ha.... Mummy won that one, tiny wannabe wine thief" she said to her daughter and put the glass down out of reach with a victorious air.


Klia N'Shahdrah

Cmdr Amia Telamon
CMO - DS5 (on part-time maternity leave)


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