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We Need an Intervention (Part 3, Conclusion)

Posted on Fri Apr 26, 2019 @ 7:34am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,210 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Amia's quarters
Timeline: MD05 1830

“It is a sticky widget,” Zoe had to agree. “The Symbiosis Commission isn’t known for being very...accomodating. They are supremely protective of the symbionts, preferring their health over that of the host often times. I understand their position. There are a limited number of symbionts, and they breed slowly. If we end up getting them involved, we would need to convince them that the symbiont would be more harmed by a forced separation than in staying with Aleczandra.” She paused a moment, tapping her fingers on the table in thought. “We might also consider inquiring with an advocate in case we need to fight the Commission legally for Aleczandra’s safety. This could very well lead to a bit of a constitutional crisis. Aleczandra is a minor, and the symbionts are considered basically the same. The Trill consider themselves their protectors, guardians and caretakers, much like Caleb is for Zandra.”

Zoe sipped her wine and looked at Amia. “What sort of support and treatment has Aleczandra been getting?” she asked.

"Practically none," Amia admitted with a look of regret. "I take responsibility for that. I didn't get hold of the situation properly, and early on she attacked me while I was heavily pregnant because she -- or her symbiont, I now suspect -- thought I was the doctor she'd heard was dating her dad. It didn't start us off well, and to be fair, even my colleague who is the one dating Commander Ryan, is having no luck getting close to Aleczandra or even getting to the starting marks with Caleb when it comes to getting either of them to even admit that she has a problem of any sort.

"No one can get near them. They have so much to fear, so much to lose, and are both out of their depths with this and how it’s been rushing on and developing at such speed suddenly. I think the onset of sexual awareness and falling in love, getting hurt, all the things that teenagers go through, never mind the complications of having a symbiont as well!" Amia put up her hands as if in submission. “I'm afraid as the person with ultimate responsibility, I have failed them. I should have got their trust sooner. My husband knew more about what was happening than I did, not that it’s any form of excuse, but he was a full Trill and had been joined for a long time. It all made sense to him," Amia confessed.

Zoe reached over and squeezed Amia’s hand. “You are not the one responsible, Amia,” she said. “We’re doctors, not miracle workers. We can’t read minds.” She paused. “Well, unless we’re Betazed, I suppose, but that isn’t the point. Caleb is stubborn, and a bit willfully blind when it comes to his family. Zandra has some of the same traits, now with the added confusion. If they don’t reach out, we can’t always know they need help.”

She sat back again. “But now we do know they need help. So how are we going to help them?”

"I was hoping you'd have lots of ideas. Well, one would do if you can help with that, please?" Amia smiled wistfully, knowing this was an enormous ask.

Zoe smiled. “Ever done an intervention?” she asked. “How are you with your psychological certifications?” she asked. Not every ship had a counseling department, and Medical often had to deal with such cases. “I doubt they will want to bring anyone else into the circle of trust on this issue.”

"I agree, I think we're already at their limits as it is. I have Counselling to Level 8 and Psych to Level 3. It's only really just enough, but it's all we have right now," Amia explained. "How do we approach them with the plan though?" she added, thinking out the logistics now.

“It will do. It is kind of out of bounds of normal practice anyway, so we’d be fumbling our way along. And I say we go head on. Caleb is a direct man. He is an old friend. He will want to catch up with me anyway. Possibly even consult with me on this, since I am one of the few people that knows. So we just ask him, maybe have dinner first. I am sure he would love an excuse to grill a steak.” She smiled. “But no ambushes. Just be direct and to the point.”

"I don't do ambushes. I have too much respect for Caleb and all my patients for that matter. I know sometimes a little bit of diplomacy is needed, and some truths are better delivered with kid gloves in some cases, but mostly the more suddenly you break news or reveal situations or diagnoses, the less likely you are to do more than leave your patient too stunned to take in what you need them to remember," Amia explained.

"Dinner is a great idea. If you feel he would want to catch up with you, do you feel it better if you met alone first? Or do you want me to be there too, and presumably Aleczandra to make up the four?" she asked, beginning to put a plan together for their first steps.

“I will invite him and Zandra to dinner,” Zoe said. “To catch up. But you will be my guest, too,” she told Amia. “Keep it low key in my quarters at the hotel. We can have the conversation after dinner.”

"That sounds perfect!" Amia almost sighed with relief that they now had a plan and were moving to action together, and soon. "Shall I wait to hear from you about what night and time?"

“I will let you know after I talk to Caleb,” Zoe assured Amia, finishing her wine. “I should let you get some rest while the baby is sleeping,” she said with a smile. “And please feel free to get hold of me any time.”

"Thank you, Zoe. I do appreciate your support and help on this. I know it's something we need to at least try to reach out and offer to help with," she said, offering her hand and then enveloping the lieutenant commander in a hug.

Zoe returned the hug. “And if you and your little one need anything while I am on the station, or when Nemesis docks, let me know. We would be happy to help. Caleb and Zandy are special to all of us.”

"Thank you," Amia replied with genuine gratitude. She didn't have a lot of people she could trust, not trust in the deeper personal sense, but she was left with a strong feeling that now she'd met Zoe, she could count her amongst that small but precious number.

"And thank you for coming and hearing me out. I'll wait to hear from you what we're to do next," she said, watching the woman prepare to leave.

“We all want what is best for them,” Zoe said with a smile. “Contact you soon.” And then she left Amia to get her little baby to bed.


Lt. Commander Zoe Desatu
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nemesis

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space 5


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