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Posted on Mon May 13, 2019 @ 8:53am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Jason Haines

2,246 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Intel Control Center
Timeline: MD 6, 1600


Jason had requested a meeting from the CO and XO so that he could present the findings his team had gotten from the Raddon files. He needed to use the larger intel display screen to show the videos from the various Raddon cameras. He hadn't received any confirmations, but he knew they were both busy, so it was possible they wouldn't be able to show up. He waited in his office for them.

Caleb walked into the Intelligence Department.

“The chief is in his office waiting, sir,” the crewman at the front desk told him.

“Thank ya,” Caleb told him, then walked back to Jason’s office. The door was open, so he walked inside. “Lieutenant,” he greeted.

"Good afternoon, Commander," Jason said with a smile. "How are you today? Can I get you a drink?"

“Coffee’s fine,” Caleb said. “Black an’ hot.” He settled into a seat in front of the desk.

"One coffee, black. Coming up, sir," Jason replied, activating the replicator in his office.

Placing the coffee in front of the XO, he said with a grin, "I think I might open a coffee shop if I ever get out of Starfleet. I haven't encountered too many people from the variety of races out there who haven't at least tried coffee."

Maritza arrived, hurrying through the doors after another meeting with the QM. "I'll have a red eye, with a tuarine and guarana chaser." She glanced at her XO. Technically Caleb was on enforced leave, but there were some things too important to wait for his return. She joined them at the small conference table. "I'm looking forward to this, Mr Haines." Especially after the nasty conflict with Ray Raddon earlier that day. "I hope this is good."

Jason got the commander her drinks and then said, "Well, it does get us some leads, Commander. So first on the list are various security footage of their research center on the planet. There is nothing too out of the ordinary, basic discussion about how their project will move forward, which is how they refer to it, nothing that we could use to identify it. They bash Starfleet and the Federation a fair amount, but the real interesting point is that where we get to footage around the supervisor and the explosion, the data is all corrupted. Whether the corruption was caused by what they were doing preparing for the explosion or deliberate actions, we can't determine. I can send it out if you like, but it will probably be weeks before we get an answer."

"Do it," Soran decided. It would probably be a hiding to nothing, and more than likely a genuine casualty of the explosion, though no doubt the Raddon's were relieved. "Alright, what's next?"

Jason nodded and said, "The next piece is a Nyberrite Alliance freighter, known in Federation space as the Workhorse. They've taken a number of shipments from it. The point of interest is that it makes some relatively regular runs to Farius Prime, which is primarily controlled by members of the supposedly defunct Orion Syndicate. Farius Prime is not known for its law and order. It might be worth a visit, but it might be a bit of a time consuming mission."

"What's on Farius Prime?" Maritza mused. "Is there a market for anything? A dealer?"

"Farius is on the edge of the Federation and Cardassian border," Jason said. "It is a trading hub. There are a fair amount of legitimate businesses and an equal, if not more, businesses that are probably not on the up and up. The Farius Planetary Authority has plenty of rules, but members of the Authority have been known to turn a blind eye or two, based on who you are and more importantly how much you have paid. I imagine Raddon has a few contacts there and has paid more than enough to various officials."

"So Raddon is sticking his thumb into some sort of Cardassian pie. You can definitely investigate that one." If he was trading illegally across borders, they could use it to drive some serious nails into his coffin. Soran looked at Jason. "What else have you got?"

"The last one is an oddity," Jason said. "There was a reference to a planet, Cherulan V, and some project. The thing is, it is a very remote planet. We are talking years of travel. It is also the home planet of Yolanthe Ibalin, owner of the Box of Delights. I spoke to her about what might be there that would interest Raddon, but she either didn't know of any connection or she didn't want to speak of it. She seemed agitated by the subject. Unless we can find something solid, I think this is something too remote and nebulous to spend time on."

Caleb had been listening quietly. He knew one could never count the Syndicate out. He had no doubt they had dealings on Farius Prime. “Cherulan is on the other side of the Federation,” he noted. “Ibalin doesn’t like personal questions. There may be a reason she’s on this side of the galaxy from her homeworld. She probably doesn’t appreciate us -- or Raddon, likely -- poking into her past. Raddon and Ibalin have bumped heads more than once. They may be doing a bit of oppo research, as it were. Ah’m inclined ta let Ibalin’s past lie, though Ah wouldn’t mind twistin’ Raddon’s nose on it a bit,” he admitted.

"It's an unusual relationship," Soran mused. "For places with different clientele, there is an antagonism there. Maybe it's just Raddon's racism?"

"I am not so sure," Jason said. "There is racism there. His son is a piece of work. I am sure if some of his associates heard what he had to say about them, there would be some hurt feelings, to say the least. The antagonism is odd, and I haven't totally figured it out. She suggested I check out the storage bay on Deck 250."

“Did you?” Caleb asked. Then he paused. That was old habit from his days on the Nemesis. “We would need a warrant for that.”

"No, I haven't checked it out," Jason said. "I only recently spoke with Miss Ibalin, so I haven't formulated any reason for any in-depth investigation. I might take a walk by, but with it technically being hearsay, and given there are other more high priority sources, it may have to wait a while."

"That number rings a bell." Maritza frowned. "Wasn't there a suspicious security alert there a few weeks back?"

Caleb looked at Jason and nodded. “Raddon has significant resources and friends,” he said. “Anything on him we need to button up tight by the book or his high price lawyers will wriggle him free.” He scowled, lost in the past for a moment as he thought of Dys, the Ferengi arms dealer that had killed his wife, and nearly him and Zandy as well. He had lawyered up significantly and their case had fallen apart because they had gotten sloppy and used to working extra-judicially.

Maritza’s question refocused him. “I think I remember a report of a break in there,” Caleb said. “Can you pull up the Security reports?” Caleb asked Jason. “I wasn’t the investigator on that. I think Annora was.”

"I will check in with her then," Jason said. "That said, I was planning on improving surveillance in that area. If I put resources into investigating Farius we'll be stretched thin for other duties. I have sent in a request for other staffing here, but Starfleet hasn't gotten back to me yet."

Maritza pursed her lips. it wasn't unusual for OPR to put requests from lower ranks in the low priority bucket, regardless of their position. "I'll chase OPR."

“Let us know anything else ya need,” Caleb said. “Raddon is off station at the moment for the diplomatic mission ta Xi’Cadia. If we get somethin’ soon, this would be an opportune time to spring it on whatever subordinates he’s left in charge.”

"Well, I don't think I will have anything quickly. Farius is a fair clip, and I still have a few items to shore up here before I can plan a trip there," Jason replied. "But I will get the data out to Intel cyber-ops to see if they can pull anything more out and see what is the best approach out to Farius. Is there anything else you want me to check?"

"The Xi'cadia situation has robbed his operation of some substantial assets." Martiza glanced at Caleb. "It would be good to know if he's planning something ill advised in an effort to get them back."

"I do have Petty Officers Tezak and Talia focusing on political issues and Chief Zavaran focusing on station affairs, so I hope between the three of them we can start to get a bead on things," Jason replied. "The hard thing is, though, they are not human. That makes anyone close to the Raddons a lot more tight lipped."

“Maybe we need to get someone in with Raddon,” Caleb mused. “And I can check with Commodore Pierce, see if he has any contacts on Farius, or anyone else on the station that does business there.”

Jason nodded and then frowned a bit and said, "I will reach out and see if any of my father's former contacts can help. He seemed to know a fair amount of people that didn't see quite eye to eye with members of the law."

Caleb tapped his fingers on the table, as if contemplating something. “Check with Tianys Dalav’ni too,” he said. “I hesitate to ask. She...might want something from you in trade,” he told Jason. “But Rowa’ni often have extensive trade and information networks in less reputable places. If she doesn’t know anything specific right now, she likely could contact someone who does.”

"Who is Tianys Dalav'ni?" Jason asked. "I haven't heard the name before."

Caleb took a breath. “She’s an...experience,” he said. “She runs the Lotus Lounge. It’s tucked out of the way on the Promenade. Almost need word of mouth to find it. It specializes in...pleasure. Of all kinds,” he said, looking at Jason. “She is Rowa’ni and the head of House Dalav’ni. Her House straddles the border with the Romulans, and she has contacts among the other Houses. The nature of her business, and of the Rowa’ni, mean they often hear things, and have their fingers in some shady corners.”

"And I wouldn't go without a hypospray full of anti-venoms and counter toxins running round your blood either," Soran added. "Scuttlebutt says the air inside there is...dangerous."

"Intriguing," Jason said. "So bring a bribe and hope you don't choke to death, gotcha. It will be a new experience for me."

Caleb chuckled. “Not dangerous. Just...distracting,” he told Soran. “Very distracting. But that is her business, to make you forget about your worries and cares. And she doesn’t much care about latinum or credits. Well, not beyond what most reasonable business women would. You yourself would be much more interestin’ to her for barter,” Caleb told Jason.

Martiza's brow furrowed. "In what way?" she asked Caleb.

Caleb chuckled. “As Matron of her House, Tianys is responsible for finding for all the young ladies under her care when they enter their…” he paused, clearly searching for the right word. “Well, Ah guess pon farr works as well as anything. Jason’s a right fine specimen of manliness, Ah reckon. She might find that valuable.”

Jason looked at the Commander with a cocked eyebrow. "Well, I have been working out more lately, thanks for noticing," Jason said.

Martiza's eyebrows rose sharply. "Let’s hope she has the good sense not to push her luck with an officer on duty." What her staff offered themselves up for out of uniform was none of her business, but she wasn't at all happy with the thought of her officers trading sex for information on an official investigation. "If it comes up, remind her that if she holds information back from you or Lieutenant Tessaro, she can be brought up on obstruction charges."

"Of course, if the price gets to high I will take that route, ma'am," he said. "The hard hand though doesn't always cultivate long term sources of information. I am sure I can find a balance though."

"I'll leave it to your judgment," Maritza decided.

“Is there anythin’ else?” Caleb asked. “If not, Ah’ve gotta put on mah orange jumpsuit an’ get ta cleanin’ the replimat,” Caleb said.

Maritza kept her face straight. However much he might grouse about his public penance, she was sure he would be begging to play janitor on the prom after he'd he'd tried taking the kindergarteners on a tour of the more interesting parts of the station. A group of five years olds faced with giant tanks of various organic matter being processed into soil for the arboretum was only bearable until one of them figured out they were staring at tanks of poop.

Jason tried hard not to smirk at Caleb's comment and then said, "I have nothing else, Commanders. I will keep you advised of any progress."


Ltjg. Jason Haines
Chief of Intelligence

Cdr. Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Cdr Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer
Deep Space Five


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