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Past Prologue, Part 7

Posted on Thu Mar 14, 2019 @ 9:10am by Commander Caleb Ryan

755 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: USS Winchester/The Borderlands/Omicron Nebula
Timeline: FLASHBACK: 2375/Toward the End of the Dominion War

“Approaching the edge of the system, Captain,” Keesmaat said stiffly.

“Drop to impulse, Ensign,” Artemis said from his command chair, just as coolly.

Jinys at the science station glanced over at Tashash at tactical. Things on the bridge had been rather silent and tense the last few days since the visit to the Mira’ni fleet. Keesmaat’s normal ebullience seemed to have dimmed, and none of them realized how much…fun the young ensign had made the alpha shift.

In contrast, Lodoric seemed to be enjoying the relative silence.

“Any sign we’ve been detected yet?” Artemis asked.

“I believe we passed through a sensor net in that asteroid field just outside the system,” T’Eden stated from ops.

“It would make sense,” Natalya said. “A great place for pirates to operate.”

“And we have our tail,” Tashash spoke from tactical. “Reading an Orion raider slipping onto our six, Captain.”

“Maintain course and speed to the third planet,” Artemis said. “But load aft torpedoes, just in case.”


Several more tense minutes passed, the tension for a different reason this time. The Saber class was a smaller ship, and though it punched above its weight and could likely take on a single raider, Artemis was sure there were others lurking in the asteroid field and behind the various moons in the system. He didn’t want to provoke a fight with the Orion outlaws, after all.

“Open hailing frequencies.”

“Channel open,” T’Eden announced.

Artemis stood. “Orion vessel. I am Captain Artemis Pierce of the Federation starship USS Winchester. We come in peace and wish to speak with Warlord Deneia Tejera”

There was a long silence.

“Any response?” Lodoric asked.

“No, Commander,” T’Eden reported.

“Hail them again,” Artemis said.

“Sir, I’m getting a set of coordinates,” T’Eden said. “For the moon orbiting the first planet in the system.”

Jinys frowned. “That close in the solar radiation is going to wreak havoc with sensors.”

“Blinding us,” Tashash said with respect. “Also, it will require us to keep our shields up, so no transporters.”

“Take us in, Ensign,” Pierce said.

“Aye, sir.”

The Winchester moved deeper into the system. Artemis squinted against the bright glare of the star until the view screen shaded to accommodate the increase in light.

“Can we boost sensors?”

“A bit. I’m picking up something on the dark side of the lunar object.”

“On screen.”

A hazy image of the rocky lunar surface below was bathed in shadow, perpetually facing away from the sun. A complex of low buildings marked the compound. “Sensors show much of it extends beneath the surface,” T’Eden said.

“Rather ingenious,” Tashash said. “We can’t lower shields to beam anyone down, and even if we could, we would risk damaging the matter stream from the solar radiation.”

Two more raiders flew out of the base below and took up position equidistant from the one behind them.

“Three on one. Not liking those odds,” Tashash muttered.

“We’re not here to fight, so the odds don’t matter,” Natalya finally spoke up. She walked over to T’Eden at Ops. “Transmit this code.”

The Vulcan raised an eyebrow and looked to Artemis, who nodded.

A moment later a voice spoke over the comms, “You may send down one shuttle.”

“Thank you,” Pierce said, standing. “Lodoric, you have the bridge.”

“Captain, you cannot go down there,” the first officer protested predictably.

Artemis gave him a look. “Do you really want to negotiate with an Orion female? In person?”

Lodoric’s antennae twitched. “Then send T’Eden,” he said.

“I will do the negotiating. Lieutenant Tashash, get me a female security officer. Lieutenant Ivanova, get a female pilot—“

“Sir, I’m immune to Orion pheromones,” Keesmaat spoke up.

Artemis looked over and nodded. “Fine. You, then, Ensign,” he said. “Lieutenant Desatu, have someone meet me in the shuttle bay with an inoculation for Orion pheromones.”

“Yes, sir,” came the reply from the Chief Medical Officer over the comms.


Captain Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Winchester

Ensign Keesmaat Mira’ni
Chief Flight Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant Jinys Hon’gah
Chief Science Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant Tashash
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Winchester

Commander Lodoric th’Ordoro
Executive Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant T’Eden
Chief Operations Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant Natalya Ivanova
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Winchester

Lieutenant Zoe Desatu
Chief Medical Officer
USS Winchester


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