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Past Prologue, Part 5

Posted on Fri Mar 8, 2019 @ 9:57am by Commander Caleb Ryan

1,682 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Things Past
Location: Mira’wi/Rowa/Between Vulcan and Andorian space
Timeline: FLASHBACK: 2375/Toward the end of the Dominion War

Artemis and Keesmaat beamed over to the Mira’wi along with a large crate of spare parts. Vacan was waiting for them in the transporter room. Artemis took it in, noting the grass sod floor and the flowering, fruiting vines obscuring the walls. There was a small basin on a stand filled with flowing water standing in the corner. The air was hot and humid, like a greenhouse, and thick with the arousing scent of Rowa’ni.

“Welcome!” Vacan said as they stepped down off the platform. She cupped Keesmaat’s face and the two women pressed their foreheads together in some sort of greeting.

“Thank you, Vacan,” Artemis said, and was surprised when he received the same sort of greeting as his flight officer. He felt the soft touch of Vacan’s hands and gasped as he was hit by her pollen pheromones. They were much stronger than Keesmaat’s! He nearly staggered under the sudden flush of need for this beautiful woman.

“Mother…” Kees warned, putting a steadying hand on Artemis’ shoulder.

Vacan looked at her daughter in confusion.

“I am the only Rowa’ni Artemis has met,” Kees explained. “I do not think he is quite ready for your…potent allure.”

Vacan laughed and looked at Artemis. “Is that so, Artemis?” she said with familiarity.

“I am afraid I have not had the pleasure,” Pierce said diplomatically, trying to keep his eyes from straying over her naked form.

Vacan frowned. “Do you not find me attractive, Artemis?”

He coughed. “Very,” he said.

“Then why do you not say so? Why do you not admire?”

“He is too much of a gentleman, mother,” Kees smirked, obviously enjoying Pierce’s discomfort.

“A gentleman?” Vacan asked. She searched for a Rowa’ni equivalent. “A gentleman would tell a female he lusts for her and wishes to receive the goddess from her.”

Artemis coughed and Keesmaat laughed. “Not Humans,” she reminded her mother. “Well, at least not most…well…not the good ones… Oh, Rybok! I don’t understand it either!” Mother and daughter shared a laugh.

Artemis smiled and looked embarrassed, but suddenly took Vacan’s hands. He ran his eyes blatantly over her naked form and then pulled her in tight and kissed her deeply, passionately, savoring the mint and cinnamon of her mouth as his hands caressed her body. He didn’t pull away until they were both breathless and he looked deeply into Vacan’s eyes.

“You are most beautiful, and if I had the time, I would receive the goddess from you many, many times, Vacan Mira’ni.”

Vacan took a breath and laughed. “Oh, I like this one! He has passion!” She grinned at her daughter.

Kees beamed and looked over at her captain. “Well done, sir.” She grinned.

Vacan walked over to the fountain and cupped her hands. “I offer you water,” she said in a more serious tone, seeming to indicate this was part of some ritual greeting.

Kees stepped up, showing Artemis what he needed to do as she took her mother’s cupped hands and sipped. “I receive your water,” she said.

Pierce stepped up to mimic her. “I receive your water,” he said, sipping the cool, clean, refreshing drink.

Vacan smiled and sipped as well, then poured the remaining water over the wooden idols lining the bowl of the fountain.

“That means you now have her protection, as if you were one of our House,” Kees whispered to Artemis.

Pierce raised an eyebrow. “Did I need it?”

Kees shrugged. “Not really, but it is tradition.”

“I suppose you want to get more comfortable and get out of those clothes,” Vacan said, leading them out into the corridor. Like the transporter room, it was barely Starfleet, covered in the same grass and vines. They passed several doors, none of which were closed. They looked to be locked open.

“We’re on duty, I’m afraid,” Artemis said.

“But Kees, that surely must be uncomfortable!” Vacan looked intently at her daughter.

“They do itch,” Kees allowed, “and my skin gets dry.” Her longing to be out of them was clear. “But I will keep them on,” she said with a sigh, giving Artemis a sideways glance as they walked.

Why do you let a male tell you what to do? Vacan’s thoughts drifted over to Keesmaat.

Because he is my superior officer, Kees replied. She felt the rustle of her mother’s confusion and searched for an analog. My…Patriarch.

But even a Patriarch’s authority comes only from the Matriarch to whom he is united, Vacan pointed out.

Not in Starfleet, Kees replied, or even most of the rest of the Federation.

Vacan shook her head, clearly at a loss. It is not the way things should be, as Rowa intended.

But it is the way things are, Mother, Kees returned. And this is why you sent me to join Starfleet, she reminded.

Artemis clearly understood he was being left out of some telepathic conversation, and that he was likely the topic, so he remained silent as they walked. They passed what looked to have been crew quarters and through the open doors he saw Rowa’ni. They relaxed or went about their activities seemingly regardless of the lack of privacy. Many were even engaged in intimate coupling, and at one point he even noticed a Rowa’ni stop in a doorway to observe and then walk in to join the pair. He coughed and quickly averted his eyes.

Kees smiled at Pierce and touched his arm. “You okay, Captain?” she asked. She knew her…openness often left him confounded and was afraid her people’s lack of modesty and privacy might overwhelm him.

“Fine,” Pierce said. “Just…the acculturation takes some getting used to,” he said with a smile. He was going to need a long, cold shower after this. Or to take Kees to his bed.

Vacan led them through a large open door and into what Artemis knew to have once been the main cargo bay of the ship, probably the largest open space on board. It had been completely transformed into an idyllic garden. Soft grass obscured the floor and a small stream even wound from a tapped water distribution node down to a pool in the very center. There was a grassy area around the pool, but the rest of the cargo bay was taken up by tall trees with spreading limbs and large leaves and flowers. Artemis came up short, staring around him.

“My God…”

Vacan smiled proudly. “You like the garden of elders?” she asked.

“Very much so,” he said, continuing to look in amazement. This seemed to be the location of the greatest congregation of Rowa’ni he had seen, all naked. Some sat beneath the trees next to large green pods of some sort, either watering and tending them, or just sitting, eyes closed, hand resting on the pod.

“Oh, Artemis, come!” Kees suddenly said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

Pierce blinked in surprise, but followed as they wound through the trees. They came to one of those ubiquitous pods and the Rowa’ni male sitting there, naked as all the others. He looked young, a teenager, possibly fifteen, though it was hard for Humans to extrapolate alien ages, especially with Rowa’ni, who stayed so young-looking for so long.

The boy opened his green eyes and pushed back his long green hair. He had the pointed Vulcan ears that seemed prevalent among the Mira’ni, but also Andorian antennae and Bajoran nose ridges. He jumped up as he saw them approaching.

“Mother!” the boy exclaimed, rushing into Keesmaat’s arms. She grinned and hugged him tightly before kissing him.

Artemis shifted a bit uncomfortably. Mother? And she kissed him like that…?

“Shouldn’t you be in your engineering classes?” Kees scolded.

The boy shook his head. “Holy day,” he said. “They were canceled.”

“Ah, the pilgrimage, yes,” Kees nodded. She turned. “Artemis, I’d like you to meet my son Anzio.” Kees beamed proudly. “Anzio, this is Captain Artemis Pierce.”

“Your…son,” Pierce said in disbelief. “You…he looks…how old is he?”

“Fifteen,” Kees said. “Growing like a weed! He wants to be a pilot like me.”

“In Starfleet!” Anzio said proudly.

Artemis managed an indulgent smile. “Is that so?” he said, trying to regain his mental equilibrium.

“And here…” Kees took Pierce’s hand and pulled him over to the pod, pulling him down to kneel beside her and put his hands on it. “This is my daughter, Emi. She’s five.”

Artemis pulled back in surprise. “A daughter, too? In a…a pod?”

Kees looked at him curiously. “Yes, where else would she be?” she asked.

“You don’t…carry them? I mean…” Pierce gestured a rounded stomach.

Kees looked at him uncomprehendingly. “Well, for about six months, and then we give them to the caretakers and elders to care for,” she said.

Artemis shook his head. “There is so much I don’t know about you, luv,” he said, still amazed at how young she was to have such children.

Kees grinned.

Artemis touched the pod again. “Hello, Emi,” he said. It felt a bit awkward, so he stood and looked at the teenager, holding out his hand. “And you too, Anzio.”

The boy took his hand and shook it firmly. Then he snapped to attention and popped off a salute.

“At ease,” Artemis smiled, returning the salute.

The boy grinned broadly.

“Okay, go play with your sister,” Kees told Anzio, touching his forehead with hers. “We have to talk to Uncle Danny.”

“Okay,” Anzio said. “It was nice to meet you…sir!” He popped the salute again and ran off back to the pod.


Captain Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Winchester

Ensign Keesmaat Mira’ni
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Winchester

Vacan Mira’ni
House Mira’ni

Anzio Mira’ni
Keesmaat’s son


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