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Posted on Sun Feb 24, 2019 @ 4:01am by Civilian Jason Haines

591 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Lt. Haines' Quarters
Timeline: MD 4, 2100 hrs

Jason had spent much of the early evening reviewing the data he had collected on the planet earlier in the day with Lieutenant Wells. Their findings as well as some information that Alanna had told him, had given him a few theories that would take him longer to truly research, but it was important enough to make a report on. Sitting down at the terminal in his room and engaged the security protocols for his reports to the temporal investigations department.

“Agent report for Jason Haines “, he began. “I had my first visit to the planet Pangea today. My visit confirmed first hand report information that has been received. The portal goes two-ways. A group of individuals from an alternate dimension where Vulcans are in charged and are rather ruthless came through. Right now, they are being observed by the medical team and I am sure that Commander Soran will be meeting with at least the leader soon. Now the task is going to be trying to figure out are there any static door-ways or are they all random. I would find it highly unlikely they were all random. I know one area on earth I would like to investigate.”

He paused taking a sip of water from his glass.

“Their arrival, combined with a ruin on the planet has caused me to wonder what the true native species to the planet are”, Jason continued. “Apparently on the evening of the research facility’s opening ceremonies, there was a bit of a disturbance. There was damage caused by a creature with very sharp claws found on facility property. Also, at nearby the ruins a mass grave pit had appeared before the event. While with Lieutenant Wells, the Chief Science Officer here, I investigated the ruins and the grave pit. There were signs of a creature with a claw like structure, like what could have made the damage found at the research facility.”

He took another drink before continuing, “The ground around the grave pit did not have any characteristics of the ground just twenty yards away. This leads me to theorize that this planet may possibly be a conglomeration of various planets and dimension. Which is why I wonder what the native species of the planet are and how old they are. Traditional carbon dating measures are going to be next to useless for this.

I also wonder how many individuals and species have come through the portals and died soon thereafter because this was not a class of planet they could survive on. There are a lot of variables created by this discovery. Too many to list here without being based on pure speculation. I hope to catalog and test these variables before too long. “

He paused the recording, thought a moment, and then continued,” All those considerations aside, the creature that I think did the damage on the planet needs to be caught. Although I first suggested it in jest, I think I am going to approach the Klingons and see if they have any youngsters needing to prove themselves to go out and hunt it and capture it. Lieutenant Wells might get a bit mad at me, but I think it will be worth her ire to bring this in before it causes more damage or hurts someone.”

Jason pressed the button that double encrypted the message and sent it. This assignment was becoming more intriguing and complex and it was only his second day.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer
Deep Space Five


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