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A Change In Guard

Posted on Mon Feb 18, 2019 @ 3:20am by Civilian Jason Haines

1,069 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: MD 3, 1500

Jason walked into the Intel office waiting area, which was off the actual intel center, which was guarded. A guard stopped him as he hadn’t seen Haines before on the station and said, “ I need to see identification Lieutenant.”

Jason handed the guard his orders and the man said, “Welcome Lieutenant.”

Jason nodded and said, “Thank you.”

He strode to his office, passing a Denobulan woman who was working on a terminal. She looked up.

“Can I help you sir?” she asked.

He said, “Yes, I am Lieutenant Haines, the new Chief of the department, let the staff know that there is a staff meeting here, in five minutes.”

“Aye, sir”, she replied as Jason went to his office to check out, what would be for a while, a very spartan place.

5 Minutes Later
Jason came into the room and looked about. There was an Andorian male, a Bajoran male, a Vulcan’ish female, which he knew was actually only half Vulcan from her files, a Caitian female, a Tellarite male, a human male, and the Denobulan female, who he had run into.

“Good morning”, Jason said. “My name is Lieutenant Jason Haines and I am the new Chief of Intelligence Officer here…”

Before he could say more, the Tellarite, Petty Officer Tezak barked, “I want a transfer.”

The Tellarite, like most of the species, liked to push those who seemed to be ‘wet officers’ to see just what he could get away with.

“Very well”, Jason replied, which got a shocked look from the Tellarite, who had expected the young ‘jay-gee’ to waffle.

Jason tapped a couple of commands on his data padd and then said, “I found just the position Petty Officer.”

“Sir”, the Tellarite started to say.

“Hold that thought”, Jason replied tapping his commbadge.

“Lieutenant Haines to Operations”, he said.

“This is Ensign Carson, go ahead sir”, a man’s voice replied.

“I see you have an opening in your sanitation department, is that correct?” Jason asked.

“Yes, sir, we do”, was the reply.

“Very well, I am sending Petty Officer Tezak down to you on transfer”, Jason said. “Personnel still has to approve the permanent status though.”

“Very well”, was the reply. “We look forward to the help, Operations out.”

“Computer”, Jason said. “Pending full approval from personnel department, transfer Petty Officer Tezak to the sanitation division and modify system access accordingly.”

“But sir”, the Tellarite said. “I was…”

“Petty Officer, I gave you your transfer”, Jason said. “If you don’t care for it, speak with personnel. I assume you know your way to the door or do I need security to show you out?”

The Tellarite scowled at Jason but left the office.

Jason looked at the rest of the staff, who were a bit shocked, except for the Andorian who had a smirk on his face.

“Do any of the rest of you want a transfer?” Jason asked.

No one spoke up, so Jason continued, “Alright, as I said, I am Jason Haines, I am the new CIO. Yes, I am young, but Starfleet decided to send me out here, so either they hated Commander Soran or saw something in me. Regardless, I have you all as a team and as long as you can look past my age and cover my backside, I will cover yours.”

There were some nods, so he continued, “I have a few hard and fast rules, which if you break them, you are off to sanitation or worse. One, do your job. If you find you need help to do your job, ask. Two, if you mess up, let me know immediately, I want to hear it from you before anyone else. Three, most importantly, never lie to me. Any questions?”

There was a round of, ”No, sir.”

“Alright, I don’t like the way the department is currently structured based on our situation, so I am changing it”, Jason continued. “There are a few things that are staying the same. Lieutenant Gazan is still second in charge, Ensign Waylen, Ensign Sarven, your duties are not changing. The rest of you, although your duties aren’t changing in a general sense, your focus will.”

He paused a moment and then continued, “Chief Zavan, you are now what I am calling our Station Specialist. I need you to primarily focus on internal station affairs. If a Klingon burps at lunch, I want you to know about it.”

The caitian smiled and nodded.

“Petty Officer Aston”, Jason said. “You are going to become our resident expert on Pangae. You will need to be working very closely with the science department, security, and the marines. I will be approaching the science department to get appropriate access to their data without having to hack it.”

“You got it boss”, Aston said.

Jason smiled, gave him a nod, and then turned to Petty Officer Talia, “Petty Officer Talia, you are going to be our political specialist. There are a lot of governmental power-plays going on, and we will need to be on top of them.”

“Yes, sir”, she replied.

“I understand that we are short staffed”, Jason said. “I am working on fixing that. In the meantime, I need you all to learn a little bit of each other’s specialties so that we all get some sleep and R&R from time to time. Any questions.”

After a moment of silence, Jason said, “Very well, I will be in my office.”

As Jason moved to his office, Lieutenant Gazan followed him and said, “Sir, I like how you handled Tezak.”

“Thank you”, Jason said. “I am a fair judge of Tellarites.”

“That said”, the Andorian continued. “You did point out we are short staffed.”

“I know”, Jason replied. “I think after two days of cleaning promenade lavratories, the Petty Officer will have a better appreciation of his former position, wouldn’t you say?”

The Lieutenant gave an appreciative smile and said, “I will leave you to organize your office.”

“It won’t take long”, Jason replied. “but thanks.”


Lieutenant(jg) Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Lt.(jg) Sona Gazan (npc)
Asst. Chief Intel Officer

Ensign Larel Waylen (npc)
Systems and Cryptography Analyst

Ensign Sarven (npc)
Systems, Security, and Cryptography Analyst

CPO, Farest Zavan
Station Affairs Specialist

PO Grank Tezak(npc)
Temporary Sanitation Staff

PO Tom Aston (npc)
Pangae Specialist

PO Talia (npc)
Political Specialist


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