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Meeting the XO

Posted on Tue Mar 12, 2019 @ 7:28am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Jason Haines

1,786 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: The Box of Delights
Timeline: MD03 1330


Caleb took a bite of his Reuben sandwich and sipped his root beer. He idly watched the Parisses Squares game on the screen, ignoring the usual bustling crowd in the Box. He had taken lunch at the Box today, and took in the newly reconstructed space, noting the few changes. He still wished Yolanthe would let him put in actual security. Then maybe they could have done something about what had happened to the place. But like the Lotus and the Dilithium Chamber, Yolanthe preferred the privacy.

Jason came into the Box and looked at the crowd. There were definitely more people than he was used to, but this is what he got for wanting to eat real food. He was walking by the XO's table and his eyes were drawn to the Parisses Squares game.

"That's not a foul, he's faking," Jason remarked rather loudly. "To think he gets paid to do that."

“Yeah,” Caleb agreed. “But that’s Henderson for ya,” he drawled in a Texas accent. “The man should be an actor. He’s a big enough drama queen.” Caleb put down his sandwich and wiped his hands on a napkin, looking over at the young man. “Intelligence?” He looked a little surprised. “Ah thought Ah knew everyone in Intelligence.” It wasn’t as if it was a large department.

Jason looked to see who was answering. Recognizing the man as the XO who was on the FNN broadcast, Jason had to stop himself from doing a facepalm given his recent conversation with the CO.

"Well, I just got here today, sir," Jason replied. "I'm Jason Haines, the new CIO. I owe you an apology, sir."

“An apology?” Caleb raised an eyebrow. “And we only just met,” he chuckled. “What would ya have to apologize for? Have a seat.” Caleb gestured to the open chair at his table, and since it was the lunch rush, the place was pretty busy.

"Thank you, sir," Jason said, taking a seat. "And as to why I owe you an apology is that when I first came on board this morning, the FNN was highlighting your right hook. So when I met with the CO just a bit ago I thought it was common knowledge. Imagine my surprise when I mentioned it and Commander Soran indicated that the news hadn't reached her yet. Honest, I was only trying to help. The reporter was obviously egging you on. I was just offering to snoop about and see if there was anything beyond the obvious. I really had no idea that the crap hadn't hit the fan after six hours, otherwise I would have kept my mouth shut."

Caleb sighed. “Well, it was bound to come eventually,” he said. “Commander Soran keeps very busy. Ah don’t believe she watches FNN that much.” He took a sip of his beer. “And yes, he was eggin’ me on, but that was no reason for me ta lose my temper like that. I’m not a junior officer anymore.” He shook his head. “Felt damn good, though.” He grinned.

"My dad said pretty much the same thing when he told me about decking an Admiral," Jason replied. "That said, I didn't intend to give her the news highlights when you hadn't done it first. So, anything I should look at with that reporter?"

“Ah don’t know the man from Adam,” Caleb admitted. “He kinda blindsided me, asking about things he shouldn’t be knowing about, the death of mah wife, accusing’ me of covering up who murdered the Ferengi diplomat several weeks ago.” Caleb took a long drink from his beer. “Bringing mah wife and daughter into it is what set me off. Ah wouldn’t mind knowing who put him up to it.”

"Yeah, bringing family into things is way out of bounds," Jason said. "Sort of a Haines family credo. If you mess with friends and family, all bets are off. I will do some discrete digging, off the record, of course, and see if we can find out who did this. So, any bets on the tournament at Risa, this year?" He nodded up to the Parisses match on the screen.

“The Delta Waves have the best offense, but Ah’m not sure it can square off against the Triton’s defense,” Caleb judged. “The Leathernecks are tricky little bastards. They could be a dark horse. Course Ah’ve always rooted for the Rangers,” Caleb said with a chuckle, sipping his root beer. “But with Haynes out on the DL, they’re a longshot."

"I used to be a Leathernecks fan, but their scandal last year turned me away from them," Jason replied. "If I were a betting man, I would probably place mine on the Tritons. Their defense is quite good, and even though their offense isn't flashy like the Waves, it is very strategic."

He took a sip from his drink.

"Anyways, the CO gave me what she considered are the top priorities, but from your point of view, what do you think are the pressing issues?" Jason asked.

Caleb considered for a bit. “On station, interspecies relations are pretty tense,” he said. “Not really somethin’ for Intel, Ah s’pose,” he admitted. “There’ve been a few flare ups, but we’ve kept it mostly contained. Not sure how long that’ll last. The Ferengi ambassador is a tricksy little minx. Nothin’ malicious that Ah can tell, but she’s always calculatin’ the angles. And her Number One -- a smarmy little bastard,” there was a lot of venom in Caleb’s tone, “went an’ got himself stabbed dead. We ain’t solved that one yet. But Ah s’pose as far as Intelligence is concerned, that would be the Cardassians. They’re up ta something in the Xi’Cadian system. It doesn’t immediately effect the station, but we’re the closest outpost, so if anything does go down, we’ll be the staging ground for the Federation’s response.”

Jason listened carefully and nodded and replied, "So, lots of fun going to go down. I may need to have my blood pressure checked given everything I have learned today. My last assignment I had a little bit more time to settle in, so this is a bit of change, to say the least. I imagine after a bit of time on a station this size one starts to get used to it after a while. How long have you been here sir?"

“About a year,” Caleb said. “Came in as the Chief Security Officer and then moved up to XO after the command shake up following the arrival of the planet. Where were you previously?” he asked Jason, not having his personnel file on hand like he normally would during such an interview.

"I was an analyst on the USS Geneva," Jason replied. "It is a small research vessel. It was sort of a verify what the sensors were reading before letting the Science teams run with it for long term research. Nothing too exciting. The first five minutes of this posting was easily more interesting than my last assignment."

Caleb chuckled. “Analyst, huh? Not sure Ah’d have the patience for that. Guess that’s why Ah was Security an’ not Intelligence,” he said with amusement. “Though Ah did mah share of that as Strategic Operations officer on the Nemesis. Guess they’re really dumpin’ ya in the shit storm right out the gate, ain’t they?” he said, bemused, thinking of the meeting he had just had with the Raddons about the Xi’Cadia situation.

"Given all I have read to date and the list Commander gave me today," Jason said, "shit storm would be putting it mildly. I'll get through it though, either that or come back here on a daily basis and drink myself into a stupor until they kick me out of Starfleet. Either way, the bases are covered, sir. So do you like it here?"

Caleb smiled. “It’s got it’s perks,” he said. “Though it was hard leavin’ Leto Colony,” he had to admit. “Ah’d put in the nicest barbecue pit behind mah little bungalow. An’ it was hard pullin’ mah little girl away from her new friends. At least it’s still more settled than a ship posting.”

"Well, I guess it all depends on what you mean by settled," Jason replied. "The station might be in a stationary orbit, but even only having been here a few hours, I can see that it being settled is a stretch."

Caleb chuckled. “It is more settled and conducive to raising a family than a starship,” he said. “Though there are entirely too many teenage boys for my liking.” He gave Jason a grin.

"Well," Jason said, "you have to figure at least half of the teenage boys are going to get scared just by the fact that your daughter's father is the station XO. Especially after your news debut today."

Caleb cringed slightly. “Yeah, that was not mah finest hour,” he admitted. “But Ah s’pose if teenage boys get the hint…” He gave an amused smile. “Ah don’t cotton to people pokin’ around in mah family business. We like our privacy. An’ mah wife’s death is still too fresh.” He gave a sigh and sipped his root beer, now wishing it was something harder, though he was on duty.

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir," Jason replied. "I know it won't make you feel better, but I've lost someone very close to me as well. Not exactly the same relationship, but I can sympathize. It's not something that really ever gets off your mind. I know I am not exactly old enough to impart any wisdom, but if you ever need someone to listen to you and help you knock down a beer or two, let me know."

“Thank ya,” Caleb said, appreciating the sentiment, but he wasn’t much of one to share his feelings. He leaned back. “Ah suppose Ah should be gettin’ back ta mah office,” he said. “There’s always more paperwork when runnin’ a station.”

"I can only imagine, sir," Jason replied. "It's why I am not in any hurry to try on red. It was nice meeting you though and I look forward to working with you, sir."

Caleb waved over the bartender. “Put his on mah tab,” he said, indicating Jason’s drink. “Don’t be a stranger,” he told Jason. “Ya need anythin’ come on by.” With that, he headed out of the Box.


Lieutenant JG Jason Haines
Chief Intelligence Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer


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