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Miranda, Part 2

Posted on Tue Dec 11, 2018 @ 12:19pm by Commander Caleb Ryan

1,313 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: USS Nemesis/Briefing room
Timeline: MD01 0900

Ash gently prodded his nose. It felt straight. No pain. “Thanks, Doc,” he said, taking the mirror handed to him by the beautiful, dark skinned El-Aurian woman and checking his nose. “A-plus work, as always, Zoe.”

“So who was it this time?” Dr. Zoe Desatu said as she took back the mirror.


“You’re lucky you still have a face.”

“Would be the same if it was Rilasa.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t juggle so many women around.”

“I’m not the one juggling!” Ash protested. “I’m like the rope in a tug of war! They hand me around like a piece of meat!”

Zoe chuckled, picking up a padd to close out the medical report. “Nothing was broken. Just a bit mess,” she assured him. “Maybe you should stay in my quarters tonight, just to be safe.” She gave Ash a grin, running her hand down his bare chest.

Ash rolled his eyes. “Don’t you start, too, Zoe,” he said, hopping off the bio bed and picking up the clean shirt he had brought with him, since the other had blood all over it. He paused and looked up at the doctor. “Can I?”

Zoe laughed. “You know you can anytime,” she said, tossing the padd aside. “But I’m not getting between you and an Augment and a cyborg. How are the twins doing?”

Ash tugged on his shirt. “Seem to be good. Selina has her hands full, but she’s also a little...bored.”

“You going to see them anytime soon?” Zoe gave Ash a serious look.

Ash made a point to look intently at his uniform jacket as he picked it up, as if inspecting it for lint or any imperfection. “Miranda starts today. I’m way too busy.”

Zoe shook her head. “I won’t nag you,” she said. “Just remember, they’re family.”

Ash sighed. “Family and I don’t have a good track record,” he said, shrugging into his jacket as he looked up at the attractive doctor. She looked young, his age, but he knew she was over a hundred years old.

“Fair,” Zoe acknowledged. “Just remember, you aren’t your father.”

Ash scowled. “If I wanted my head shrunk, I’d go see the counselor. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go up to briefing.” With that, he walked briskly to the door.

“My bed is still available tonight!” Zoe called to him teasingly.

Ash leaned against the wall of the turbolift as it rose through the Nemesis. He was glad Miranda was beginning. Work would distract him from having to decide what to do with Eve, Rilasa, and Selina. Maybe he should take Zoe up, even if she was half teasing. It had been a while since he’d slept with the beautiful doctor, and she wouldn’t ask for more than a good tumble.

Though Eve and Rilasa were just as bad as he was when it came to any kind of commitment.

Ash shook himself out of his revelry as the lift paused and the doors opened to admit a short but solidly built Latino man in Marine greens. He was broad-shouldered and narrow hipped, the build of a wrestler. His face wasn’t classically handsome like Ash’s, but had rugged good looks and a strong jaw. His head was shaved and dark eyes

“Danrisa,” the marine greeted.


“Eve was P.O.’d with you last night. Took it out on me.” Nestor grinned.

Ash rolled his eyes. “Glad she had some fun then.” What the fuck? Why was he jealous?

Nestor just chuckled and turned to face the doors as they closed and the lift started moving again. “Glad we’re finally moving on Miranda? You and Ryan put this together. Shame he’s not here to see it out.”

“Dys did a number on Ryan,” Ash said. “He went straight.”

“A shame. Ryan was a good operator.”

Ash looked a little guilty. “He was always a bit...straight,” he said. “Some things we did never sat right with him. He may have helped put Miranda together on paper, but seeing it through? I don’t know. But he was loyal. To Pierce. To us. I still say that damn warrant was good. And Mika...” Ash sighed. “I shouldn’t have slept with her.”

Nestor raised an eyebrow and looked at Ash.

Ash shook his head. “We both had a bit too much to drink. And you know Joined Trill. They’re always a bit more...fluid in the monogamy department than Humans are. It was nothing.”

“Ryan know?”

“Pretty sure I wouldn’t be here if he did. Also pretty sure Mika was going to tell him when they were on Risa before--”

“Ouch, amigo,” Nestor said. “Bridge burnt there, Danrisa. Focus on now. Miranda.”

Ash could only nod in agreement as the door opened and they headed down the corridor toward the briefing room.

The others were already gathered there. PIerce stood at the head of the room talking quietly with his daughter Eve, who, as Second Officer was near the head of the table. Commander Mira’ni would have the bridge, so she wasn’t here.

But her son Anzio was. The green-skinned Rowa’ni flight officer with Andorian antennae, Vulcan ears, and Bajoran nose ridges lounged back in his chair. Ash felt the tingle of pleasure run through him as the alien’s pheromones entered his system. Everyone here had enough experience working around the Mira’nis to be able to ignore the distraction, but it didn’t stop the body’s physical responses.

The black-furred Caitian beside Anzio grinned at Ash. Her tail swished and she raised an eyebrow as she pointedly took in the growing ridge in Ash’s trousers.

Ash rolled his eyes at Bubasti and moved to take his seat. He sat down beside a beautiful strawberry blonde Betazed, Irissa Toma from Operations, and across from a very young looking Bolian, Hranni, the Chief Engineer. She was tiny, barely hitting five feet, and looked like she was thirteen, though she wasn’t actually that young. She always sat at the far end of the table away from Anzio, her constant complaint being she could never get laid because she looked like a kid. On his other side was a dark-haired Trill woman, the Chief Science Officer Selin Maht.

In a corner in the back of the room Rilasa leaned, arms crossed. She had put up her holo-image so she looked more normal, hiding her cyborg components. Beside her leaned a blonde Bajoran woman, the other intelligence asset and consultant on the Nemesis, Myru Jera.

“Good,” Pierce said, stepping away from his conversation with Eve. “It looks like everyone is here. We can start--”


Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa
Chief Intelligence officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Doctor Zoe Desatu
Chief Medical Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Corporal Nestor Calis
Marine Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Commodore Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Eve Three
Chief Tactical Officer/Second Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Anzio Mira’ni
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Bubasti P’Rurr
Chief Security Officer/Assistant Chief Tactical Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Irissa Toma
Chief Operations Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Hranni Brinn
Chief Engineer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Selin Maht
Chief Science Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Rilasa Graeca
Intelligence Consultant
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Myru Jera
Intelligence Consultant
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Anderson Smith
Intelligence Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan


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