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I'm back!

Posted on Mon Jul 20, 2020 @ 2:53am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi everyone

I'm back from LOA, having got the worst of the work thing in the rear-view mirror. I've missed you all and I'm looking forward to be posting with you all again.

There's been a bunch of things whilst I'm gone. Firstly, sadly, Alen who plays the CIO Natalie Cross has resigned due to RL issues. I've wished her well, and they're very welcome to comeback if circumstances change. If you have any posts in progress, please either delete ping me to finish them off, or truncate them.

And now for much good news. FIrstly, please give a very warm welcome to Stuart, who will be playing our new Chief Counselor, Lieutenant T'Lul. Please send the traditional flurry of JPs!

Also, I've finally set up a Discord Server for DS5. Its now a case that many games have them, and are utilising them in recruitment, that I've decided its time we had one for ourselves, especially as not everyone has Google and they've been threatening to cancel Hangouts forever, so it seemed a good time to make the move.

The server is: Please drop in and say hello!

I'm really looking forward to getting posting again, so lets get cracking!

Live long and Prosper


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