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Check In and awards

Posted on Tue Apr 14, 2020 @ 9:35pm by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi everyone

I hope you and your loved ones are all healthy, and have managed to have a decent Easter and are adapting to the new normal.

A few of you have already reached out to say that you're not as available as you would normally be as a result, so please go on LOA if you need to.

Also, there is a lively community on Discord for Theta Fleet, and I lurk there most days so please drop in a and have a chat.

Also this weekend there is also a Discord Convention on simming and Roleplaying, SciWorld 2020. It starts at 17:30 UK time, 12:30 Eastern.

And finally, the March and Quarterly fleet awards are up. The full details are here, but the short version is that we've the March Gold Unit of Merit, and Jool & Matt have made writers of the month for their holodeck adventure.

I've also given Jools & Matt a simm award, the Scheherazade award, for this epic story that has unfolded over many posts. I love giving out awards, so if you'ld like to nominate anyone else for awards, please use the menu option on the sidebar.

So a big round of applause to you all, and my thanks and appreciation, I cope with stress by writing and having this sim and its players has been a real bonus during these Interesting Times. I hope we're still at it for many more months to come.

Live long and prosper


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