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Happy New Year

Posted on Tue Dec 31, 2019 @ 10:54pm by Captain Maritza Soran

Evening all!

As 2019 staggers towards the finishing line, I thought I'd share a few stats, as we've had a record year.

We had a total of fifteen players over 2019, 8 of whom stuck with us all the way through. Between us we wrote a total of 827 posts, assuming no one posts anything jn the next 2.5 hours. That works out at approximately 55 each, or if you take the average of 10.5 players a month, then not quite 79 each.

All in all it works out at anaverage of 6.5 posts per player per month. Thats a massive amount of writing, but if we work on the crude average of 1500 words per post, then we've put out 1.25 million words between us. That's the complete Lord of the rings, and the hobbit, plus War and Peace.

I look forward to bursting those figures next year. Heres to another 1 milion words plus of great Trek. Happy New Year!

Live long and Prosper


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