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Happy New Year!

Posted on Mon Dec 31, 2018 @ 9:03pm by Captain Maritza Soran

Evening all.

I wanted to say Happy New Year to you all, and for staying with me through my first full year in charge. I hope I've put a bit more life back into the sim and things are going in ways you are happy with. If there is anything you particularly want to see, please drop me a line at any time. I want to make you guys happy and the stars of the show.

With 2019 only hours away, I'm opening up the next few mission days for posting. Posts can now go up for days 4 through 8

Key events so far
MD1 : the colony grand opening ruined by person or persons unknown.
MD2: 1)The Romulan Computer core. dormant for three years, suddenly activates. 2) Security searching for the sabeuteur finds the trail they are following leads to an ancient mass grave.

MD3: Commander Ryan suspended.

Going forward

Settling and research of the colony continues, and over in the Typhon Expanse the Xi'cadia issue bubbles along whilst space in the area of DS5 slowly runs out of Dilithium, stranding some unlucky ships on the station until resupply arrives.

If anyone is stuck for ideas on what to do next, please give me or Matt a poke, and we will help you out - don't suffer in silence.

Have a very fun New years Eve and a wonderful 2019


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