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A gentle reminder

Posted on Tue Oct 16, 2018 @ 2:45am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi all

Now we've got a shiny new player, now is a good time for me to give you all a gentle reminder on some things.

1) The sim year is 2393. I don't have the exact date to hand as I'm unexpectedly away from home tonight, but the new mission takes place towards the end of May 2393. I'll give an exact date in the mission notes. Whilst I'm not updating the timelines in details as I used to, there is a break down of what mission ran when in LCARS, under The Story So Far.

2) Posts have a standard format. they should start with [ON] or ::ON:: or a Previously in [post name] tag, depending on if it is a new post or a continution of a split post. And the finish with a To be Continued/Concluded or [OFF]/::OFF:: as appropriate.

3)Time stamps are required for all posts. Days Open for posting will be shown in the mission notes at the top of the edit post page. the format is MDXX HHMM. Please keep track of where you are so you don't end up in two places at once (unless you're doing a time travel plot, at which point you can be in two places at once)

4)Whilst I don't demand to approve all sub plots/personal plot, if you want to do any of the following you have to speak to me first:
*Go to the small north continent on PAngae
*Try and get into the portal complex on the large continent of Pangaea
*Anything that involves circumventing station security (This is getting out of control, people! this place is run by Starfleet afterall, not the keystone cops.)

I really don't like saying no, so just because I have the rule doesn't mean you can't do it, but there are important meta plot issues around the above and I need to make sure what you want to do works with it before you start it.

Thanks for doing such a great job on the sim
Live long and prosper!


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