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Upcoming Mission

Posted on Thu Oct 11, 2018 @ 2:47am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hello everyone

I am finally back in the UK and the jetlag is mostly gone. As such I have some announcements!

Firstly, Brian, who plays Annora is stepping up as our Chief of Security. This will be done IC when the new mission starts.

The new mission will start next Monday. Based on everyone's feedback, it will be looking at the Pangaea colony in more detail, and there will be multiple strands rather than the one main plot as with the last mission.

So please start tying up any last posts set during Victory Conditions. The new mission will start an what is effectively Victory Conditions 38, one month after the Svikiri Incident.

Also if anyone has any side plots they want to run, then by all means contact me or Matt.

Live long and prosper


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