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So many awards!

Posted on Sat Aug 18, 2018 @ 2:29am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi everyone

Some happy news!

I got a bit snowed under in early July trying to get stuff finished before I took 3 weeks off work with the kids and forgot to mention this, but in June we won a bunch of awards. And then in July, we did it again!!

In July we were awarded the Theta Fleet Sim of the Quarter for our Task Force in Q2, as well as Silver Unit of Merit award for June. They were granted to recognise the supreme team effort everyone here has made in getting DS5 back to fighting fitness. So big thanks to everyone, you've really made DS5 a great sim.

And in the July awards, we came away with joint Gold award for Unit of Distinction, and the TGCO Award of Merit! SO well done everyone, again!

Lastly, the final mission post has been posted, and so now I'm opening the rest of the mission's posting days for free posting. You can post anything from MD08 onwards until MD30. Feel free to have your PC's react to recent events, as well as continuing their own plots.

Please note than anyone who was exposed to the Svikiri needs to get to Sickbay for neurotxin poisoning and/or radiation poisoning.

If anyone has any particular follow ups they want to do/see then feel free to let me know, or start a JP with the relevant people, and don't forget to through your thoughts out on the next mission.

Live Long & Prosper


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