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GDPR & Privacy

Posted on Thu May 24, 2018 @ 12:40am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi all

You probably all know by now that there is new EU data protection/privacy regulation coming into effect that covers people handling the personal data of EU citizens (and the British both before and after Brexit) regardless of where the data handler actually is.

Utopia Host (who host the site) wants every site to put up a privacy policy, so this is a basic version ours, cribbed from Starbase Vanguard, effective from 25th of May. A more detailed version is on the site.


Privacy Policy

Theta Fleet and Deep SPace Five collect only names, e-mail addresses, and the IP address used to register for the forums or for a sim. They are stored onsite for login purposes and to keep characters together under the same email.

This information is not sold or disseminated to third parties. We do not have the capability of gathering any data but that which is used strictly for applying to a sim. We do not harvest data about players, their characters, or anything they do outside of their sims or the fleet site. We do not track players.

When a player joins a sim, they agree to have the character, user name, and email archived on the site. The only people who can access this information are other players. The information will remain on the site until the sim is closed. It will not be searched out, sold to third parties, or posted publicly. We are a forum for text-based role-playing games. Most of the emails used are created specifically for this purpose.

If you are concerned about your data, we suggest you create an email for simming and use a first name only. If you would like to read the complete and legal Theta Fleet statement of the policy simplified here, click this link to go to the exact page on LCARS.


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