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Manifest Spring Clean

Posted on Sat Oct 7, 2017 @ 1:20am by Captain Maritza Soran

Hi Everyone

I'm going to prune the manifest this weekend, and try and reassemble it in a single page that makes it easy for people to see what positions are open so we can start recruiting. I've identified some NPCs that I think can be deleted.

If there is anyone on the list that anyone wants to lay claim to, please can you shout before the end of the weekend, otherwise I'll delete them on Monday.

the NPCs Are

Commander Tahhk
Lt. JG Jason Fisher
Alarra Toral
Argelian t'Vaurek
Bene Benito
Celes Alenis
Toq Valone
Svetlana D'Angelo
Imanil Lemarrev Getal

Thanks a lot!


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