Welcome, Friend!

The year is 2395 - sixteen years after Star Trek: Nemesis.*

Deep Space 5, a Celestial Class Starbase, is on the edge of the Federation Frontier, gateway to the foreign empires of the Beta Quadrant and launchpad for those seeking fame and those who don't want to be found.

Orbiting the strange alien world of Pangaea, this frontier city in space is home to more than a hundred thousand beings and hosts the Dyson Repair Yards, state of the art Diplomatic facilities, and The Square Mile – a hundred promenade decks dedicated to Independent enterprises; artisans; advisors, professionals, and entrepreneurs making their way where civilization meets the wild unknown.

Inspired by DS9, we are not just about exploring and seeking out new worlds. Our cast of regular and recurring characters is diverse and our complex storylines cover a vast range of topics. Here civilians and non-allied aliens play an active role in shaping our stories, adding a depth and diversity not possible on ship-based sims.

Several of our players have been with DS5 for years, but we are always open to new players who want to become part of our family and our world. Dedicated and imaginative writers are always welcome to make a home with us.

On behalf of the entire station population, welcome to our website.

Please have a look around, read our mission posts, and if you enjoy what you see, consider joining us.

If you'd like to discuss your character concept/desired position before submitting a full application please send me a message on Discord.

If you don't see the position you would like listed, or if it is occupied by an NPC please drop me a line - the chances are we can make it available to you, or create it for your character.

Commodore T'mpest Michaels
Commanding Officer - Deep Space 5

*Deep Space Five does not acknowledge or follow the timeline where Romulus gets destroyed. (Movies after Star Trek: Nemesis and TV series other than TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT, and the Animated Series.) style="color:#FFFF66">

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