Lasuma's - DRAFT

Created by Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III on Thu Feb 11, 2021 @ 4:14am

Lasuma Enterprises

Originally founded in 2379, following the Cardassian withdraw from Bajor, as The Lasuma Transport and Supply Company (LTSC) by Geral Lasuma.

During the occupation Geral Lasuma established a network of black-market contacts and suppliers in order to provide, those who could afford it, with anything from simple comforts to the finest luxuries. His clientele included Cardassians, collaborators, resistance fighters, and several refugee camps within the Federation.

With the end of the occupation Lasuma may have lost the Cardassian occupation forces as customers, but he was also freed from their restrictions and the need to provide them with payoffs. With these restriction removed and the Bajoran Provisional Government in almost continuous disarray he found himself able to consolidate his influence and expand his markets throughout the sector.

He quickly established marketing agreements with numerous Federation worlds and was able to establish trade agreements with both the Romulan and Klingon Empires. With markets spanning all three major powers in the Alpha Quadrant he found himself in a unique position. The years passed and many new deals were made and many tried to take advantage of his mutual respect philosophies or to otherwise get the best of him; but all failed. As he absorbed many of his competitors his assets and networks grew, as did his reputation of both fairness but as someone not to be crossed.

Five years after the founding of the LTSC, Lasuma Enterprises was born. Not only did his network of suppliers, markets, and fleet of freighters expand but so did the types of services he provided. Over the years Lasuma Enterprises has expanded to include:

Merchandising (Varies by location):
  • Antiques
    Exotic or Rare items
    Custom requests
Food Services (Varies by location):
  • Cafés & Bistros
    Wines & Liquors
    Exotic & Gourmet Foods
Recreational Services:
  • Southern Isle Resort and Retreat – Bajor
    The Emissary Tours – Bajor/Deep Space 9
    The Orchid Resort – Bajor VIII
Management & Diplomatic Services:
  • Colony Administration
    Trade Negotiations
  • Freight Services (with rites of passage through Federation, Klingon, Romulan, and Cardassian space)

During the Dominion war he once again found himself caught in the middle. Before the shooting had started he had sent several envoys through the wormhole making several trade deals with Dominion worlds. He soon realized that the Dominion was a ruthless power that was to respected and definitely not crossed. Having stayed out of their sites before the fighting, he managed to keep things moving even during the war.

With his network he was approached on several occasions to help and, for a hefty price, allowed his freighters to provided transportation for Federation operatives or to serve as information couriers from time to time. It was during the war he met and earned the loyalty of Dorian Torel; who would later become his personal bodyguard and some would say henchman.

While headquartered on Bajor; Geral Lasuma became to be known as a bit of a guardian philanthropist, helping other businesses, organizations, or even individuals in exchange for future favors that he may or may not even call upon. Those in his good graces could rely on his assistance while those that crossed him soon regretted their actions. In 2393 one of his remote endeavors was brought to his attention after not only failing to expand in the region, as instructed, but also after getting caught using the company name and resources for his own schemes. Taking his personal yacht to Deep Space 5 he re-entered the day to operations of his company.

Rumors have followed Geral from his beginnings during the occupation through his years of success all the way up to the present day. Some of these rumors include: extortion, smuggling, blackmail, various ‘strong arm tactics’, and even murder. On more than one occasion he found himself or his company under investigation but nothing ever came of them and Geral himself has never been charged in any wrong doing.

Though far from the trappings of his estate and private mountain retreat on Bajor; Geral , with his faithful bodyguard and personal staff, are using his yacht and the newly expanded storefronts on Deep Space 5 as a secondary headquarters while he expands his operations beyond the borders of the Federation and into uncharted space.

After dealing with the former operator of the Lasuma Clothier and Tailor shop he significantly expanded his floor place and opened Lasuma’s Mercantile Clothier an Café located on Deck ????.

:: Floor plan images ::

From there he further expanded his operations by taking over nearly all shipping for the other merchants by offering them all significant saving as well as expanded market through his already extensive trade network.

After a rocky start with the proprietress, Geral even managed to acquire the supply contract to provide all libations, and other supplies, to the Box of Delights.

Then in late 2393, while the sector of space surrounding DS5 was experiencing a drastic dilithium shortage, Geral negotiated a Federation/Klingon dilithium contract in the Teralis system. After gaining their trust of the Teralisians, and striking while the opportunity was still available, he also negotiated an exclusive trade contract with the Imersa Counsel. All trade to and from Teralis and their client systems would flow through Lasuma Enterprises. With that arrangement and his commission from the Dithium deal…the latinum began to flow.

With this new market Geral needed a new place to market the good flowing in from outside what the Federation considered “explored space”. As a result he opened up a whole new series of shops Lasuma’s – Beyond the Veil located on Deck ????.

:: LBTV Floor plan images ::

With success come the spoils, and Geral like to live well…(more text)

:: Yacht Images ::

Even with his new found success he wanted to share the wealth and anonymously provided the medical team on the station two excursion island yachts for the crew as rest and recuperation facilities…(more text)

:: Pyramid yacht images ::

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