Allied Sims

Created by Captain Isha t'Vaurek on Sun Sep 13, 2015 @ 4:03pm

Other simms that enjoy a special relationship with Deep Space Five. Some of them are commanded by players here, others are home to our characters elsewhere in Obsidian of theta Fleets. One thing you can be sure of is that they're all top notch simms.

Please contact us if there's a simm you think we should list here!


The Nightingale, a medical specialty sim that has been tasked to take the ship and her crew to the rescue of those in need, to keep the light lit for those who need guidance and a safe haven.


Langley Station is a Regula-class space station, strategically positioned near the Cardassian demilitarized zone. Langley sits in geosynchronous orbit above Lyshan Prime, an M-class planet in the Lyshan star system, a familiar dot the sky over Lyshan Colony. Langley station is categorized as a military waypoint and research station, garrisoned by an onboard security force, standing firm under the watchful eyes of the Canterbury, an Intrepid-class warship. Langley is noteworthy for its' outside research and development functions, and has grown into a major cultural hub and stopover port.

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