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Fri Sep 18, 2015 @ 12:41am

Lieutenant JG Alistair Wood

Name Alistair Alan Wood

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 176 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Alistair is of average height and weight for his size. Although he appears a little more gangly than he really is. His dark hair is generally kept somewhat tightly cropped and combed neatly. His blue eyes can be steely when he is concentrating, but generally are warm and welcoming. When off duty he dresses fairly nicely wearing long sleeve turtlenecks or button down shirts.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Alan
Mother Shirley
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None that are important at this time

Personality & Traits

General Overview Alistair is a scholar who wants to be something more. Stories of adventure, exploration, and discovery have filled his life with ideas that are more fiction than fact but he keeps hoping for his dream to come true. He is quite friendly and a little needy when it comes to people recognizing his existence. Quite often he feels alienated when he really isn't. He just doesn't realize it. He is bright, but can come off as trying a little too hard to impress people with his knowledge since it is the only thing he feels comfortable enough with to brag about. He has an underlying desire to prove himself to all those who have doubted him which includes himself. As such, he often tries to put on an air of being someone he is not. While he never lies about himself, he is not adverse to hiding or even stretching the truth sometimes. He has an old fashioned sense of chivalry that can cloud his judgment at times. He has always been fascinated with a romanticized vision of the Aristocracy on Earth and likes to think of himself as one of them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Research is his strongest suit. He is a fiend when it comes to reading and manages to retain a good amount of the information he picks up. His interest in history is like an addiction he longs to fill. However, this strength is also a weakness in that he sometimes comes off as a bit of a know-it-all around others as he tries to compensate for his lack of social skills due to being somewhat of a bookworm. On the plus side it does leave him prepared moreso than a person who doesn't have the knowledge at hand for any given situation.

Alastair is well versed in a number of languages including some rather obscure ones. However, he is far more adept at reading any of them than he is speaking them.

He has a strong imagination and when channeled correctly he can almost visualize something even while explaining it. This over active imagination can also lead to daydreaming on the job, in the hallway, or anywhere else he might be.

Strangely enough he is a somewhat of an enigma when it comes to fighting. He has displayed an uncanny knack with ranged weapons at times while being wildly inconsistent with them when it comes to marksmanship. Many believe this ability is hindered from a lack of focus. He knows no martial arts or fighting styles outside of what he learned at the Academy, however, he does have a natural knack with rapiers. Most of this probably comes from playing with his collection of antique weapons and imagining being some kind of knight or hero of storybook legend when in fact he has never really been either.

His mind oftentimes works faster than his body which at times has displayed extraordinary reflexes and reactions but more often than not results in clumsiness. He tends to think he can do things his body is incapable of doing and when it works all is good. When it fails, disaster sometimes follows.

Alistair has low self-esteem which he hides behind his determination to succeed and the outward mask he wears that attempts to tell everyone he meets that he is doing well. In truth he will always feel alone and like a failure until he deals with his demons, both internal and in the form of his father and others who have doubted him.
Ambitions He wants nothing more than to be his own man. Follow his own path. And if he becomes a historical immortality along the way, well that is what dreams are made of after all.
Hobbies & Interests Alistair is a collector. He has a number of antiques from various cultures around the quadrant. These range anywhere from Klingon swords to Human books to Vulcan religious trinkets and everything in between from a number of different eras. Each piece is meticulously well preserved and displayed in his quarters for easy access.

Reading history is his passion. To know how the different cultures came to be who they are now fascinates him to no end. Although secretly, at least in his mind, he has been known to read fiction quite frequently. His secret guilty pleasure being Jane Austin novels although he would never admit it.

Alistair has a fascination with fighting. More precisely sword fighting, but has neither the attention span, nor enough drive to actually learn how to do it skillfully. Instead he imagines what it would be like to be able to do the things great warriors were able to do with their mastery of the skill. He has romanticized the skill to the point of it being like a gentlemens' dual more than the brutal fighting style that it really is.

Personal History Alistair was born on Earth in the city of London. His father, an instructor at Oxford University, believed that knowledge was the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe. As such, Alistair was raised in a very strict educational environment. His only escape being the books his mother would share with him. As he grew older and the pressures of living up to his father's expectations became more difficult he began withdrawing into his idealized world where tragedy and happy endings went hand in hand if one was doing the right thing. His father was enraged by these flights of fancy and forbade him from playing make believe and pushed Alistair to grow up long before he was ready. This was the beginning of a rift that would last to this day. Alistair's mother, a warm hearted woman, hated to see her son deprived of the happiness he had found in the world of Knights and heroes secretly encouraged her son by sneaking him literature and taking him out to old fashioned movies.

Alistair's teenage years were difficult. The pressure from his father and his family's standing in society pushed him into a shell which lead to a lonely life. What few friends he had were more like acquaintances than true friends. It was only when he met a young woman by the name of Joyce did he start to break out of his shell. She showed him a new side of life. The side he had been sheltered from his entire life. This new side of life was intoxicating to Alistair and he longed to live in it leading to a streak of rebellion against his family. As his time with Joyce became more frequent, so did his feelings for her eventually leading to a confrontation with his father who forbade him from ever seeing her again. His father feared that his son was too young and blind to see that she was merely using him. Alistair was upset and verbally attacked his father for the first time by telling him that the only reason he wanted her out of his life was because it meant that he would go back to being what his father wanted him to be so the old man could live his life vicariously through Alistair's. This soon became a heated argument leading Alistair to defy his father and leave home never to return again.

With no where to go and no one to turn to, he sought out Joyce only to find heartbreak. In the end his father was correct and Alistair felt the fool for doubting him. After a week on the streets, Alistair finally returned home, but things would never be the same again. His father pushed him harder than ever to become a great scholar. Alistair responded quite well in the beginning, but as time went on he found that the path his father had laid out for him was not the path he wanted. Unsure of his future or where it would lead, Alistair abruptly submitted an application to Starfleet Academy and was accepted almost immediately. Once more Alistair found himself ostracized from his family.

His time at the Academy was a harsh reminder of his time in school in London. The only difference was that he no longer had his mother to fall back on for support. For four years he found himself alone with nothing more than his books and imagination to keep him sane despite his ability to succeed at every test thrown his way. It soon became his determination to prove that he would be his own man and he would do whatever it took to prove to his father and everyone else that he was right all along.

Upon graduation Alistair was assigned to the USS Hudson as a low level operations officer where he would round out his basic education in the field. However, his passion remained history. His exposure to old motion pictures fueled his imagination more than ever as he began to dream of making new discoveries. He dove into his work creating holoprograms based on many of the great legends in days past. If he couldn't be one of these heroes he so looked up to in real life, he could at least relive the lives of the men on the silver screen that he admired so much. He worked hard to create a kind of order in his life and on the ship that would cut through the chaos inside him. Always searching for his own personal purpose in life. He had hoped that joining Starfleet would allow him a chance to at least try to be remembered among its heroes such as Kirk, Garth, and Archer. However, the USS Hudson never allowed him such an opportunity as it spent most of it's time in the inner sectors of the Alpha Quadrant. After two years he transferred back to Earth to work in Starfleet's Operations division where he learned the harsh lesson that some dreams might be better off let go of. For the next five years he spent his time helping manage the daily routines of Starfleet Headquarters ensuring affairs went as planned, working with guests, and filing paperwork. He was about to give up his dream with Starfleet and admit defeat when he heard of an opening on the frontier. A Space station at the edge of Federation Space. A place where maybe he could fulfill his dreams and become the man he always imagined wanting to be. Deciding to take one last shot fulfilling his dream Alistair applied for the position of Chief of Operations aboard Deep Space 5. How this move works out is yet to be seen.
Service Record 2382-2386: Starfleet Academy
2386- 2388: USS Hudson (Operations Officer)
2388-2392: Starfleet Command (Operations Officer)

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