Lieutenant JG Joah Jezka

Name Joah Jezka

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer - Communications

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 50
Date of Birth 2345

Physical Appearance

Height 5’8” (1,77 m)
Weight 158 pounds (71.6 kg)
Hair Color Dark brown to black
Eye Color Green/gray
Physical Description Joah stands at 5’8” with a lean, wiry build, his body reflecting years of surviving in harsh conditions and his resourceful, hands-on approach to life. His dark brown hair, nearly black, is kept short but shows streaks of gray from stress rather than age. His sharp green-gray eyes are piercing and observant, always scanning his surroundings with the quiet wariness of someone who’s used to watching their back. The characteristic Bajoran nose ridges are prominent, giving him an air of ruggedness, while faint scars around his hands and forearms hint at the physical toll of his years in the Bajoran resistance and his engineering work.

Despite his muscular frame, Joah moves with quiet restraint, his posture slightly guarded, as if always prepared for something to go wrong. His expression often carries a neutral or intense focus, but there’s an underlying melancholy in his eyes, the kind that only those who’ve endured loss and hardship would recognize. Whether in uniform or casual clothes, he appears ready to act—his stance hinting at his survival instincts and practical nature.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Jezka Rez (vanished during the occupation, presumed dead)
Mother Jezka Lesal (vanished during the occupation, presumed dead)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Jezka Keyla (location unknown)
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Joah Jezka is a resourceful and pragmatic man shaped by the hardships of the Bajoran occupation and his time in the resistance. Known for his ability to “make something out of nothing,” he’s a modern-day MacGyver, able to solve complex problems with limited resources. His survivalist mindset makes him both adaptable and unflinchingly practical in high-pressure situations, but also wary of relying on others. Though he has a deep sense of loyalty to Bajor and his crewmates, Joah struggles with emotional attachment, fearing the pain of abandonment. This makes him keep others at a distance, though beneath his guarded exterior is a quiet, introspective nature shaped by loss and resilience. His love for astronomy and tinkering with alien technology reflect his curiosity and desire to understand the universe beyond his turbulent past.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Modern day MacGyver (to use the words of Lieutenant Yura Massak)
+ Survival specialist
- Fear of people leaving him.
- Fear of getting too close to people (emotional attachment).
Ambitions - Helping Rebuild Bajor
- Mastering Alien Technology
- Finding Inner Peace
Hobbies & Interests Hiking, Astronomy, tinkering with unknown/alien technology.
Languages Bajoran, Cardassian, Federation Standard.

Personal History Born in Hathon, Bajor, some thirteen years before the infamous incident where fifteen farmers were executed by the Cardassian authorities under Gul Pirak merely because they refused to display the Cardassian banner outside their homes. Around that same time Joah’s parents vanished without a trace. As a consequence he had to find a way to survive on his own. During the next years, while constantly trying to survive another day, he hid in a half destroyed library at the outskirts of Hathon. The remaining books there were his only companion and since he had nothing else he tried to read about anything that he thought was either something he could use or was interesting.

Two years later Joah was noticed by a resistance cell during a raid on a Cardassian patrol just outside the city. They took him in and gave him shelter and food. When he was twelve years old his training started to become a resistance fighter. By the time he was fourteen he was allowed to join a raid, but only after the leader of the cell, Sitho Nisha, was tired of Joah’s begging and telling her he was ready. Much to Sitho’s surprise Joah did well and she allowed him to join subsequent raids. The only thing she disagreed with was the utter brutal ways Joah used while fighting the Cardassians, but she chose to ignore it since their enemies were just as brutal against Bajorans.

At the end of the occupation Joah met Yura Massak, a Counselor in Starfleet who was sent to Bajor to offer help to any people in need. Though at first Joah didn’t want her help, she didn’t let go and was able to get through to him after some time. In the following year the two developed a strong friendship and Lieutenant Massak took Joah under her wings. It didn’t take long for her to recognize Joah’s talents when it came to Physics, Technology and survival techniques. Especially his ability to “make something out of seemingly nothing” amazed her. She reported to her Commanding Officer, Captain Thomas S. Riley, that he’s “a modern day MacGyver” (ed. Angus MacGyver is the main character in a late twentieth century television series called "MacGyver" that revolves around an extremely resourceful ex-spy).
Both Captain Riley and Lieutenant Massak agreed that it would be a good idea to see if Joah would be interested in applying to Starfleet Academy.

Joah struggled with the decision to go to the Academy. Bajor had to be rebuilt and he felt he had a responsibility there. But he also felt that, as a well trained Officer in Starfleet, there was a chance he could do even more for Bajor. Plus it would give him the chance to build a life for himself and explore all that was out there. In the end he decided that the best thing to do was to follow Captain Riley’s and Lieutenant Massak’s advice.

His first attempt at passing the entrance exam ended in failure. There were several areas where he came up short, most notably Biology and Anthropology. With the help of Lieutenant Massak he closed the gap in knowledge during the year that followed and he passed the exam on his second try.

Joah’s first Starfleet assignment was aboard the USS Nemtsov, a starship primarily focused on scientific missions and frontier exploration in the aftermath of the Dominion War. As an Operations Officer, Joah was responsible for ensuring that ship systems ran smoothly, coordinating between different departments to maintain efficiency. He quickly earned a reputation for his practical, no-nonsense approach, often using his survivalist mindset to come up with unconventional but effective solutions. This period gave him his first real experience working in a highly structured environment, which contrasted with his years in the Bajoran resistance. Despite occasional clashes with more by-the-book officers, Joah’s ability to “make something out of nothing” made him an asset.

His next assignment brought him to Deep Space 9. While stationed there, Joah’s connection to Bajor and his engineering expertise made him invaluable in maintaining the often-quirky Cardassian-Federation hybrid technology that powered the station. He also worked on improving relations between Starfleet personnel and Bajorans, understanding both perspectives deeply. It was during this assignment that Joah began to distance himself emotionally from others, fearing loss and abandonment—a holdover from the occupation. However, his work ethic and his skills in keeping the station operational was respected.

On the USS Magawa, Joah further honed his engineering and operations skills. The Magawa was tasked with deep-space exploration missions, where resourcefulness was key. Joah’s ability to troubleshoot alien technology became critical, and he often found himself called upon for technical tasks that required thinking outside the box. After his promotion to Lieutenant and Assistant Chief Operations Officer, he played a larger role in managing the ship’s day-to-day operations. His leadership skills grew during this time, though he still preferred hands-on problem-solving to administrative duties. His personal relationships, however, remained distant, as Joah often kept himself isolated emotionally, channeling his energy into work.

Joah took a sabbatical following his assignment on the USS Magawa. After years of service, he sought time to reconnect with his Bajoran roots and reflect on his path. He spent much of this period hiking in Bajor’s wilderness and stargazing, activities that helped him maintain a sense of balance and purpose. Though the sabbatical was mostly about personal growth, Joah remained restless, tinkering with old Bajoran and Cardassian tech in his spare time.

Upon returning from his sabbatical, Joah took up a leadership role in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. His knack for problem-solving and his hands-on experience with alien technology made him a valuable asset for a range of missions. Whether repairing ancient structures on remote worlds or dealing with advanced alien tech left behind by long-lost civilizations, Joah excelled in these challenging situations. As a Team Leader, he was responsible for guiding a team of engineers through complex projects. Although he found it difficult to form close relationships with his team members, they respected his competence and ability to adapt to any situation.

These assignments shaped Joah into the resourceful, resilient, and emotionally guarded officer he is today.
Service Record 2370 - 2374 Starfleet Academy
2374 - 2379 USS Nemtsov, Ensign, Operations officer
2379 - 2381 Deep Space 9, Lieutenant (jg), Engineering officer
2381 - 2384, USS Magawa, Lieutenant (jg), Engineering officer
2384 - 2388, USS Magawa, Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Operations officer
2388 - 2390, Sabbatical
2390 - 2395, Corps Of Engineers, Lieutenant, Team leader
2395 - Present, Deep Space 5, Lieutenant, Assistant Chief Operations Officer

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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