Lieutenant JG Alejandro Santos

Name Alejandro Santos

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34
Date of Birth May 6th 2362 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Physical Appearance

Height 6ft 2in
Weight 230lbs
Hair Color Black collar length
Eye Color Rich Brown
Physical Description Height: 6ft 2in Weight: 230Lbs. Hair: Black (Short) Eyes: Rich Brown. Skin: Bronze. Build: Athletic and well toned. Clean shaved and has rugged and handsome features. DOB:05-06-2462 Age: 34


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Miguel Santos, Age 75. 18th generation owner of Santos Coffees. Coffee grower and exporter.
Mother Sofia Santos, Age 73. OB/GYN Retired from her practice in Rio De Janeiro.
Brother(s) Antonio & Ramon Santos ( Twins) Age 45. They Both help their father run Santos Coffees.
Both are married. Antomio with 4 children and Ramon with 6 children
Sister(s) Stella Garcia Age 43. Married right out of collage, Housewife with five children.
Mia Ramirez Age 40. Married with three children. Cook at Cafe Ramirez with her husband in Miami Florida.
Lia Santos Age 36 Fashion model ( Not married as of yet.)Works at a fashion agency in Paris, France
Other Family Brother & sister in laws, Neices & nephews:

Alejo Garcia: Age 43. Straship Construction worker at Utopia Planica Shipyards, Mars.

Dante Ramirez: Age 41. Owner & Chef of Cafe Ramirez in Miami Florida.

Bonita Santos: Age 44. Mother of four and in charge of the production line at Santos Coffees.

Aina Santos: Age 42: Mother of six And is the head accountant for Santos Coffees.

Neices & Nephews:
Parents Antonio& Bonita:
Diego Santos. Age 24. Foreman at Santos Coffees.
Carmen Santos. Age 22. Univeristy Student at UCLA in California.
Lucia Santos. Age 20. Attending University at Oxford England.
Gaspar Santos. Age 18. Started at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco. Training for a carrer in security.

Parents Ramon & Aina Santos:
Isander Santos. Age 23. Sous Chef at the Savoy Restaurant in London, England. ( Gordon Ramsay Corp. )
Ynez Santos. Age 21. Student at University Havana, Cuba. Interior decorator studies.
Corazon Santos. Age 19. Currently living at home trying to decide what to do in life.
Elena Santos. Age 17. Junior in high school. Rio De Janero.
Marta Santos. Age 15. Freshman in High School. Rio De Janeiro.
Enrioue Santos. Age 13. 2nd year in middle school. Rio De Janeiro.

Parents Alejo & Stella Garcia:
Jacinta Garcia. Age 21. Third year at Starfleet Academy, Studying to be a medical doctor.
Esteban Garcia. Age 19. First year in dental school. Studying to be a Dentist.
Alejandro Garcia. Age 17. Junior in High School & Apprentice undertaker with his uncle Juan Garcia.
Snatana Garcia. Age 14. Studying music at Juliard performance art instatute. New York City.
Rio Garcia. Age 12. First year student in middle school.

Parents Dante & Mia Ramirez:
Ramona Ramirez. First year student at University of Miami & part time waitress at Cafe Ramirez.
Nina Ramirez. Age 17. Junior in High School and part time waitress at Cafe Ramirez.
Fernando Ramirez. Age 15. Freshmen High School Student & beginning Culinary training at school.

Pets: Isabella: A five year old Brazillian Macaw that is Blue,Green and Yellow in coloration and is very talkitive.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Intelligent and loves a challenge. Quick learner and works well with others. Happy go lucky most of the time and almost carefree when off duty. Has a good sense of humor and is a motivated hard worker. Works hard and plays harder. Loves a good drink, a good party and loves to impress the ladies.
Strengths & Weaknesses Charismatic + Leadership Ability + Smooth Talker +Organized + Well Mannered

-Flirt -Devil may care attitude -Curious -Gossip ( Loves hearing about ) -Japanese Manga

Ambitions 1. To have a long and exciting career in the core of engineers.
2. Visit exotic worlds and meet the people there, interact with the native culture while helping them and doing his job.
3. Rise through the ranks and command his own team one day.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Krav Maga Practitioner (Black Belt) 2. Guitarist ( at age sixteen he was the lead guitarist in the boy band Uno Direccion until they broke up a year and a half later. 3. Artist ( Charcoal sketching. Still life and people.) 4. Camping and Hiking. 5. Hydro wave rider. (anti grav surf baord) 6. Tropical Survival Skills. 7. Flower Cultivation & Gardening. 8. Cooking ( Specialty South American & Italian foods.)
Languages Spanish, French, Romulan, Klingon & Risan.

Personal History Born in the family compound of the Santos Coffee growers and exporters just outside of Rio De Janeiro, Alejandro was the youngest of the six cilldren born to Miguel & Sofia Santos. Being the youngest he did get spoiled a little more then the other siblings. He was always good with his hands and loved working on projects and being outside, He had traveled to many differant locations around the globe but he wanted more.

His school years were fairly normal and received a good education in Rio De Janeiro. He had joined with several friends and formed a band called Uno Direccion when he was thirteen, They gained popularity and grew a fan base and were discovered when they were sixteen.

The record company sent a tutor along with them on tour and continued their education while on the road. The band was rather succussful and came out with six albums in eighteen months. Three of the six band members wrote music for the group, then the infighting of which songs were going into the new album and creative content began. Shortly thereafter Uno Direccion broke up and disbanded for good. Alejandro saw a recruitment ad for Starfleet academy and investigated. A half a year later he enrolled and Left for the Academy and never looked back, Instead he looked to the stars and followed the path that his heart led him to.

He loved his time at the academy, and the years past by quickly. He graduated with high marks and excelled in his training and was shipped out for his first assignment.
Service Record Starfleet Academy: 2380-2384. Graduated class of 2484 with high marks.

2384-3487: Assigned to a terraforming unit in the far reaches of the beta quadrant. Worked on maintaining the terraforming machines and the protective shielding around the base camp.

2387-2390: Transferred to the USS Hornet NCC 45231 ( Renaissance Class ) As Asst.Chief Engineer & Shilding Specialist.

2391-2394: Transferred to the USS Atlas NCC 82745 ( Sovereign Class ) To replace Asst. Chief Engineer after dying in an accident. Asst. Chief Engineer & Shielding Specialist.

2394-2397: Transferred to the USS Trident NCC 31347 ( Galaxy Class ) Chief & Asst. Chief Engineer already in place. Assigned as Shielding Specialist.

2397-present: Transferred to Starbase Poseidon to the core of engineers as a shielding specialist.

Medical Record:


Four months prior to entering Starfleet Academy Alejandro broke several bones in his left foot when a loose rock landed on it, The bones were regenerated and healed. Broke three ribs in the right rib cage on a rock climbing wall during a fall from about five meters height. He was showboating and trying to impress a girl.

Mental Health:

No Known Issues.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]