Major K'doc Valadorn

Name K'doc Valadorn

Position Marine XO

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Klingon
Age 32
Date of Birth Febuary 15th 2366 Place of Birth: Kal'tara City, Qo'nos

Physical Appearance

Height 7ft 2in
Weight 375lbs
Hair Color Black ( Long and kept in a loose ponytail. Reaches the bottom of his shoulder blade. )
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Barrel chested, rather large in stature and has a powerlifter body build. Trains extensivly for power building and stamina. K'doc has recently obtained his personal goal of three percent body fat. His features are rugged and not unpleasant, he keeps his hair in a loose ponytail and looks professional at all times.


Spouse Khylara Jorrath. Age 29. Klingon Female. Head Bouncer at Elyssyum Dreams.
Children N/A as of yet.
Father Father: Colonel M'rec Valadorn. Age:58. Commander of the 132nd ground assult unit. ( Klingon Marines. 1200 man division. In service to House Hurric. )
Mother Specialist B'janna Valadorn. Age:57. Force Recon Scout/Sniper. ( Retired )
Brother(s) An'dres Valadorn ( Brother An'dres ) Serving as a monk in the temple on Sto'volkor. Age:28.

M'kiha Valadorn. Age:26: Weapons research scientist at Borath weapons research facility.
Sister(s) Sh'lina Hurric. Age:24. Recently married to P"rag Hurric.
Other Family Colonel K'rang Valadorn. ( Cousin ) Age:38. Teaching Starfleet Marines at the Academy. San Francisco,Earth.

Personality & Traits

General Overview K'doc has a rough demenor and can be somewhat stand offish until he gets to know someone. Fairly easy going for a Klingon and has a surprising sense of humor for one of his people. He gets along very well with humans, Especially Marines. His fathers life was saved by a Starfleet Marine Captain Samual Adams. K'doc Joined Satrfleet in order to pay back a honor debt owed by his father.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Honorable + Loyal to Friends,Family and Country. + Physically Fit. + Body,Mind and Skills are honed to a razors edge. ( Nothing else is acceptable about his personal development. )

- Honest. ( Almost to a fault.) - Vengeful ( If wronged or family members accosted or harmed.) - Loves a good fight. - Enjoys a good strong drink. ( Non-Synth ) - Despises most Human and Vulcan foods. ( Won't eat meats cooked over Rare.
Ambitions 1. To live a life of honor as a Klingon warrior and pay back his family's honor debt. 2. To serve a career in Starfleet and advance throughout the ranks and retire at the end of a honorable career. And perhaps even return home to Qo'nos afterwards. 3. To make whatever unit he commands the pride of Starfleet. He will strive to make them the best trained unit in the galaxy.
Hobbies & Interests 1. Hiking and survival training. 2. Rock climbing. 3. Distance Swimming. ( Between 500-1000 meters per day. 4. Powerlifting. 5. Mok'bara. ( Klingon Martial Arts. ) 6. Hunting and Fishing. 7. Demolitions. ( Making and Disarming of explosive devices. ) 8. Writting Poetry. 9. Woodworking. (Intermediate level carpenter.) 10. Horticulture. ( Cultivation of flowers and medicinal herbs.)
Languages 1.Klingon 2.Federation Standard. 3.Romulan. 4.Breen. 5.Cardassian

Personal History K'doc grew up in the Hurric marine compound at the edge of Kal"tara city on Qo'nos. At age four he was removed fromthe family housing area to begin his training to become a Hurric Marine. They were roughly taught by an adult trainer and backhanded every time he made a mistake, after learning the basics of unarmed combat they were pitted against one another and fought until one couldn't stand.

By the time they were seven years of age they had worked up to intermediate levels of unarmed combat and also began training with wooden weapons. After the basics had been learned they were given padded armor and went full contact against the other students. The training hall was filled with thunderous sound as the students fought for position and rank. Bones were broken and wooden weapons shattered as students earned they're rank and learned who the student leaders would be.

By the time they were nine the students were being taught unit tactics abd being issued their first real weapon, the L'evek tri blade knife, which they wore like a badge of honor. Also during that time they were also being taught marksmanship with disruptor pistols and rifles. Those that were larger stature carried the larger squad weapons, K'mir was one of the larger student chosen for leadership and heavy weapons training to go along with his other training and his formal education as well.

at age ten the combat training was cut back somewhat and more formal education was ramped up to a high degree. Classes during the day and synaptic sleep learning programs during the sleep cycle at night. also during that time they were mixed in with other klingon students in the secondary education courses.
Service Record Klingon Warrior Academy: 2382-2385. Graduated in the top ten of his class, Assigned to the 132nd Ground Assult Unit. Hurric Marine Division. Served for one year.

Transferred to Starfleet Academy in 2386. Graduated Class of 2389. ( 2386-2389) In the Academy earned the nickname of " Brute Squad " Due to his size. Assigned to Security. Due to already graduating from the Klingon Warrior he graduated as an Ensign from Starfleet Academy.


Assigned to the USS Challenger NCC 71099 ( Galaxy Class ) Served as a Security/Tactical Officer.


Assigned to USS Thunderchild NCC 63549. ( Akira Class ) During the Anti pirate and smuggler enforcemnt he served on several away missions to recover captured Federation prisoners. During one such raid, K'doc received several wounds while evacuating prisoners and wounded comrades. He received an award for valor and was field promoted to Lieutenant JG and was appointed to take over the position of Asst.CSTO After Lieutenant Robert Anderson was killed in combat.

2397- : Recently promoted to Lieutenant and reassigned to Poseidon Station As the new CSTO. His former crew of the Thunderchild gave him a sheriff's badge as a parting gag gift and told him to clean up the town. Which he happily agreed to do. Has a minor addiction to Black Death Raktajino, THE STRONGEST Rajtajino made on Qo'nos.

2398: Succussfully defended SB 50 from the Breen attack and repelled all boarders from the station. SB 50 took moderate damage and numberous repairs, including six breaching pods and the destruction of seventeen of twenty attacking Breen ship. Was in charge of combined command of Station Security and Marine units in overall defense of the station.

Succussfully quelled the riots on SB 50 after the report of Jackson Porters death and the multiple murders that occured during that time and restored order.

Married his lover Khylara and is having a full life and adjusting to married life.

Medical Notes:

Multiple scars from Knife and sword combat. Treated for several Disruptor wounds and seven broken bones. Has refused all offers to remove the scars. ( Silly Feds!! Glory and Honor are forever and Chicks dig scars.)

Mental Health:Within federation standards

Friendly and easy going for a Klingon. Loves a good laugh and some friendly competition.

In Combat K'doc is Highly aggressive and will give in to bloodlust berserker rage if wounded and will pursue any and all enemies until dead or out of sight.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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