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Fri Apr 30, 2021 @ 7:36pm

Lieutenant Victor Morgan

Name Victor Morgan

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 52
Date of Birth 07/09/2342

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 185#
Hair Color Gray/Sable
Eye Color Gray/Blue
Physical Description Victor is 6'2" tall and fairly lithe @ 185#. Though he is older he has a strong, solid musculature over medium and often tanned skin. He has fairly short sable/silver hair and his face is fairly rough made up of hard planes and angles which gives him a fairly serious look about him. He often wears dark, plain uniforms.


Spouse Olivia - Deceased
Children Magnus - Deceased
Father Magnus Morgan
Mother Clara Morgan
Brother(s) Lucas - Runs a resort in California
Sister(s) n/a
Other Family Johan Morgan - Grandfather
Freya Morgan - Grandmother

Personality & Traits

General Overview Victor is a hard man who expects excellence even under pressure from those around him. Slow to trust and hard to get to know he does like a good joke and a good drink once in a while. Or maybe more often than just once a while. He isn't cruel but deals with incompetence sharply. Being a former Section 31 agent he is extremely observant and is always thinking in a tactical way. In secret he reads and enjoys poetry.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Observant, Creative, Focused, Excellent memory, requires low amounts of sleep, Dedication, Honest, A Survivor, High Alcohol Tolerance, Skilled with Hand Phasers, Long Distance Runner, Mountain Climber, Brave, High Pain Tolerance, High tolerance for truth drugs, good negotiator.

Weaknesses: Uncomfortable in social situations, Has a Hard face and demeanor, Hard to get to know, drinks too much, Generally Intolerant, not great in hand to hand combat due to an injury.
Ambitions To advance his career as far as he can take it, see the downfall of the Cardassians, to protect the Federation.
Hobbies & Interests Long Distance Running
Chess/3D Chess
Good Liquor and Food
Languages English, Danish, German, Bajoran, Vulcan, Cardassian, Klingon, Romulan

Personal History Victor was born on July 9th, 2342 to Magnus and Clara Morgan in Copenhagen Denmark. He was an imaginative, intelligent boy though he was not all that personable. He excelled academically but not so much socially. Even so he excelled in long distance running, track, Chess and 3d Chess in which he acquitted himself well.

His father Magnus was a machinist and inventor by trade and he and his mother Clara were not so thrilled when he made it into the Academy and selected Command School, Intelligence as his major, and a Security Minor. And to top it off, he chose the Cardassian government and the Dominion as his elective.

Victor excelled in his classes and continued in Track/distance running and chess at the Academy. He was not the head of his class or noted for anything special but he did very well and received a reputation for thinking quickly and accurately under pressure.

In 2364 Victor was selected to be apart of Starfleet Intelligence at the Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards. His job was to ensure everyone working there were not spies with the intent of stealing new technologies developed by Starfleet.Once the USS Odyssey, a new Galaxy Class Starship was completed, he was asked to serve aboard the ship as an Intelligence Officer.

In 2370 He married Olivia, a civilian and in the same year he was promoted to LJG and reassigned to the USS Pearson as an Intelligence officer. It was odd being married and being on a starship but he loved his wife very much and loved his work. Olivia had softened out his rough edges and helped him to become more personable toward others. They spent as much time as they could together and eventually Olivia became pregnant. Magnus, named after Victor's father was born in 2371 and they were a complete, happy family.

Then the Borg came.

Along with many other officers, Victor decided to leave his wife and young son on Ivor Prime. The Borg had presented themselves and were engaging ships and settlements all over the quadrant. Unfortunately his wife and Son were killed from a Borg Cube attack on Ivor Prime.

Less than a year later, Victor decided to take a leave of absence from Starfleet and went back to Earth where he helped his Brother Lucas run his resort in California though he spent most of his time drinking and thrill seeking. Though, that was the official story. Victor was recruited by Section 31 where he headed up operations against the Cardassians. Section 31 were keeping tabs on the Dominion and Victor was one of their officers tasked with keeping an eye on the Cardassians and what was left of the Dominion. For an Op, he let himself get captured so he could infiltrate the Tal Shiar base near where he was taken prisoner. The man he went to find, a Cardassian defector had valuable information for him and Victor was sent to retrieve it. He endured drugs, torture and confinement for several days before he managed to steal a Cardassian patrol craft and escape with the defector.

Late in 2375 Section 31 was exposed and because of Victor’s short involvement with them, Starfleet did not hold it against him, at least not officially. That said he was given dangerous Intelligence ops revolving around the Cardassians and the Obsidian Order.

In 2376 Victor was assigned to the USS Lakota. He was recruited by Captain Jansson who was a former Intelligence officer himself.

In 2385, after nearly being killed by a member of the Obsidian Order, Victor was in rehabilitation for months. In those months he was consistently visited by Intelligence agents with the intent on getting him back into normal duty. They were feeding him intel on Cardassian and Obsidian Order operations.

In 2386 he returned to duty as an Intelligence Officer aboard the USS Lakota under Captain Makette, which was dispatched to the Cardassian border. He knew them well and aboard the Lakota his purpose was to intercept and decipher encrypted messages and communications. The Lakota was involved in several missions involving the Cardassians. Negotiations involving border disputes, attacks on colonies, and other plots involving the Cardassians. He was eventually promoted to Lieutenant and offered the job as Chief of Intelligence. In the 8 years that followed Victor spent his time surrounded in Cardassian plots and intrigue.

Service Record 2360 - Accepted into Starfleet Academy

2364 - Graduated from Starfleet Academy. Major:Intelligence

2364 - Assigned as an Intelligence Officer to the USS Odyssey, Galaxy Class, Under Captain Keogh, Utopia Planetia Fleet Yards.

2365 - Promoted to Ensign, Intelligence Department, USS Odyssey

2370 - Promoted to LJG, Assigned as a Senior Intelligence officer, USS Pearson, Nova Class, Under Captain Flynn.

2373 - Commendation for Service

2374 - Leave of Absence (Recruited into Section 31)

2376 - Return to ‘normal’ duty, Assigned as Intelligence officer, USS Lakota, Nova Class, Captain Jansson

2391 - Promoted to Lieutenant, Chief of Intelligence, USS Lakota, Captain Makette, Commended for service.

2394 - Victor boarded DS5..

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number LS - 991 - 3609 - LQA
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 24 - 6 West
Office Deck 19