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Fri Jan 22, 2021 @ 2:32am

Lieutenant Endri Dahl

Name Endri Dahl

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Ramatisian (Ramatis III)
Age 30
Date of Birth 2/14/2364

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 113 lbs.
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Lean and a little underweight, she tends to stay out of the spotlight At one time, she enjoyed fashion and had a somewhat eclectic style. That’s all changed though and these days, she prefers unisex or somewhat masculine outfits. Her blonde hair hangs to mid-back and is worn with a side part so that the way her hair falls on her face tends to slightly obscure her features though she’s just as likely to tuck it up under a hat or wear some sort of a hood. Her smile is transformative though not often seen when she’s out and about.



Spouse None
Children None
Father Hilal
Mother Kendri
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Biological Father - Reylen

Personality & Traits

General Overview Since her Academy days, she’s been stalked intermittently -- it’s subtle enough that no one has been able to figure out how he does what he does; for a long while, no one believed her. There’s no documentation in her Starfleet file -- she’s long given up on trying to convince the authorities. As a result, her once easy-going nature has shifted. She prefers not to be in the spotlight, and more often than not, she’ll be the one inching toward the door when the crowd gets too large. Things happen. She’s well aware. It takes her a while to feel safe in a new place. Because of that, she’s something of a homebody. To her, a good evening is a bubble bath by candlelight and then time spent tucked up under a blanket with the cat in her lap. If pressed, she’ll let you know that she loves live performances, especially the theater, and there were times, when she thought it was over, that she attended every performance she could.

She’s the type to give 110% to whatever she’s doing and expects the same level of commitment from those who work with her. She’s more than willing to share the workload and is very hands-on. Between a combination of telepathy and sign language, she is able to communicate effectively. She finds it amusing that people tend to shout at her as though she’s hard of hearing.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Eidetic Memory - if she’s seen it, she’ll remember it (note this does not apply to things heard)
+ Educated; continues to upgrade her skillset
+ Enjoys the work, thrives on the challenge
+ Highly trained in computers/programming - especially at figuring out weaknesses, points of entry into a system, etc. This is something she learned as a means of protecting herself against the stalker.

- Mute - can transmit thoughts telepathically but is also fluent in sign language
- Easily startled. Tends to be somewhat suspicious of people that she doesn’t know. Cautious around strangers. She’s more comfortable in a Jeffries Tube than on the Promenade
- Telepathic shields weaken when she’s scared, sometimes lets in too much information
- Very light sleeper - suffers from nightmares and occasional panic attacks (usually when the stalker starts up after a long absence)
Ambitions If there’s one thing she wants above all else, it’s for the stalker to go away or be arrested (preferably the latter). Because of the stalker, her interests and abilities have expanded -- for example, a secondary specialty in computer/programming so that she can figure out how he gains access, mixed martial arts training for self-defense, etc.

One day, she hopes to return to Ramtis III, once the Borg are gone of course.
Hobbies & Interests + Programming and debugging holoadventures
+ Loves to read (likes to learn languages so that she read in the language in which it was written)
+ Artistic - pen and ink sketches that were primarily done in sketchbooks. She’s filled lots of them over the years - every page, both sides. Sometimes smaller images crowded together on a page.
+ Mixed martial arts and gymnastics - holodeck classes generally. She would prefer never to hurt anyone but fear of what the stalker could do forced her to start training and to take it seriously.

Personal History In 2364, she was born into a family with a long history of social engagement. Many members of her family went into service to the nobility, quite often as members of a chorus. It was a point of pride within the family; when she was born mute, a rift developed between her parents, and a genealogical study was ordered. Under pressure, her mother admitted to having an affair with a noble (though not a high-ranking one). Always, there was this underlying tension, and while nothing was said outright, she wasn’t completely unaware. She could see it sometimes in the way her father studied her when he thought she wasn’t looking but it wasn’t until she was ten and actively looking for answers, that she figured out the truth.

A lot of things became clear after that. As a mute, she had no part in the family legacy; and tests indicated that she would not be a good choice for governmental service. Because she was not biologically his, there was never a real chance for a tight parental bond with her father. To her, this wasn’t a tragedy. It was just how life was.

She chose to engage in life outside the home. Testing indicated that she was highly intelligent with a strong aptitude for engineering and her coursework was designed to encourage her in that direction. She enjoyed her classes and made friends easily enough -- especially among the embassy children. Nights around a campfire, listening to stories of other worlds and cultures, planted a seed. When she reached an age where students were being given guidance on career paths, she chose Starfleet and applied at the age of 17. Her parents were not happy with her choice but she was. Leaving the tension and unhappiness that was her home life behind, brought relief and excitement about new, seemingly endless possibilities. During her first year at the Academy, her homeworld fell to the Borg, effectively closing a door that could not easily be reopened.

It was during the cadet cruise that the stalker first appeared. Subtle changes in her quarters. Things slightly rearranged. Small flowers began appearing in public spaces that she was known to frequent. Messages to her from the stalker -- that no one believed was real.
Service Record 2381 - Enrolled in Starfleet Academy, Engineering Discipline, at the age of 17
2385 - Assigned to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars. Moved from construction to design and became a shift lead. While at the Fleet Yard, she studied computers, programming and holography.
2391 - Requested transfer to a ship and was assigned to the USS Odin as Engineering Officer, Gamma Shift. The entire department became fluent in sign language.
2392 - Promoted to Asst. Chief Engineer, USS Odin
2395 - Transferred to Deep Space 5.

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