
  • 5 Mission Posts

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Tue Nov 17, 2020 @ 5:16pm

Lieutenant Roden Serav

Name Roden Serav

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Hekaran
Age 37
Date of Birth 2358

Physical Appearance

Height 195cm
Weight 80kg
Hair Color Bald
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Tall and slim, drawing attention to his gaunt face, and sombre countenance. His head, shaved bald, exaggerates the pronounced forehead ridges common to Hekarans. His eyes are dark and recessed, a sign of little sleep and plenty of late nights staring at diagnostics.


Spouse Anashe Serav, human, 34
Children Mudiwa Serav, a half-Hekaran girl aged four.
Father Galden
Mother Koraya
Brother(s) Rogal, 42

Personality & Traits

General Overview Roden is a reserved man, focused on his work and his family. His passion and driving purpose is engineering, particularly warp field mechanics and manipulating subspace. Due to the history of Hekaras II he has deep, private misgivings regarding the Federation's bureaucratic processes, and will often fight to bypass these protocols if he perceives them as unjustified impediments to action. At times he may appear brusque and direct, but he finds directionless small talk an uncomfortable waste of time. He respects logical arguments, and prefers practical action to theoretical musings.
Strengths & Weaknesses Excellent mathematical, analytical and technical skills as expected of a Starfleet officer. Highly practically skilled in the maintenance, repair and diagnostics of advanced starship systems.

Focus on warp field and subspace manipulation has led to the development of more advanced subspace scanning and analysis algorithms for studying Tetryon radiation.

Long-standing interest in weather-control matrix established by the Federation after the subspace rift opened in the Hekaras Corridor has meant he has a greater than normal insight into planetary scale environmental systems.

Though combat trained as part of his training at the Academy, he has no aptitude for or desire to engage in combat.
Does not form bonds easily, and prefers to maintain his privacy, particularly relating to his family on Hekaras II with whom he has a strained relationship.

A loving an attentive parent when available, can often be absent due to placing himself under extreme work pressure.
Ambitions Joined Starfleet to have a chance at developing Warp technology that would mitigate the warp field effect that caused a subspace rift to open in the Hekaras Corridor, as modern multipolar warp engines have reduced the effects he has pivoted towards attempting to create technology that can close the subspace rift for good, and allow Hekaras II to be more easily accessible to the Federation again.
Hobbies & Interests The study of primitive history and technology, particularly Hekaran, Human and Vulcan.
Languages Hekaran, English, conversational Vulcan

Personal History Born on Hekaras II to parents involved in academia, Roden was exposed to mathematics and physics at an early age. His older brother dreamed of more martial pursuits, and sought to join Starfleet at the earliest opportunity. His parents were part of the research team that advised Rabal and Sarova, famed scientists and siblings. They had discovered the deleterious effects of warp fields on the region of space near their planet known as the Hekaras Corridor. They theorized that the cumulative effect of warp fields travelling through that region of space would cause a subspace rift to appear, which would have disastrous effects on the planet as well as all travel through the corridor. The only option, they said, would be to limit all space travel through that corridor as a pre-emptive measure. Unfortunately, both the Hekaran Council and the Federation refused to listen to their research, fearing that a ban on warp travel through the corridor would turn Hekaras II into an isolated backwater within the Federation.

When Roden turned twelve, Sarova and Rabal mined the Hekaras Corridor, leading to a confrontation with Starfleet and the USS Enterprise-D. Despite begging to have their research taken seriously, the two were refused until Sarova piloted a suicide mission, overloading her warp core and causing a subspace rupture in the corridor. Unfortunately this rupture caused gravitational shifts on Hekaras II and a climate catastrophe began. The Federation established a weather-control matrix around the planet, and Roden's parents were heavily involved in the project, whether in guilt or grief. As he went through his education and spent evenings working on the issue of survival for their planet, Roden realized that they were becoming more and more isolated from the rest of the Federation, and their formerly cosmopolitan community was becoming more insular.

The only option for him was to join Starfleet Academy, and be exposed to the cutting edge of technology relating to warp fields and subspace manipulation. His decision was not popular with his parents or his older brother, who by now had grown bitter at what he saw as Starfleet and the Federation's utter failure to prevent this catastrophe. Their parting was strained, and their communications have remained so.

At the Academy, Roden discovered an absolute lack of patience for theorizing. He preferred to be working, elbow deep in machinery or crunching numbers towards a practical goal. He specialized in Engineering, and took his cadet cruise on a Vulcan science vessel. Though his academic results were excellent, he was not considered potential command material, with several senior officers and lecturers remarking at his lack of tact and no desire to befriend his fellow classmates. His year on cadet cruise was marred by his Vulcan superiors' disappointment at Roden's attitude towards protocol and record keeping.

Roden was transferred to serve on the USS Belisarius, patrolling Federation space near the Ferengi and Breen Confederacy borders. During this time there were several tense diplomatic incidences, including sabotage of a civilian vessel causing near-failure of warp containment. Roden ignored orders to evacuate, fearing that they would be unable to beam enough people to safety in time. Remaining in engineering he was able to restore containment before beginning a desperate rearguard action to patch up and stabilize the vessel. He was severely reprimanded for not obeying orders, though no further action was taken as the Captain partially accepted his reasoning.

During an ambush by a Breen Confederacy ship, Roden was wounded by an overloaded power conduit. Though he made a full recovery, it was noted that he became highly stressed and tentative in combat situations. He received counselling and was recommended for leave, which he turned down in favour of redoubling his efforts at work, pulling extra shifts and becoming an even rarer presence at social events and crew functions.

Roden requested a transfer for an open post at the Kessik IV research station, in orbit around the Kessik IV colony. It was there that he met his future wife Anashe, a civilian researcher and scientist. They worked closely together on an upgraded scanning system to study the effects of Tetryon radiation between realspace and subspace. They would go on to marry in 2389, as the research program was shut down. Roden would find himself transferred to the USS Seshat, a science vessel that was investigating subspace phenomena in the Beta Quadrant.

On the Seshat, with a stable marriage and the birth of his first daughter, Roden was forced into the social life of the ship, and became a more understandable figure for his colleagues. It was there under his Andorian Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Onev sh'Faila that he began to learn the basic management skills required of a more senior engineer. Though he never became particularly close to anyone, his work was respected. sh'Faila was diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease, and was forced on medical leave, leaving Roden to act as chief in her stead. Though his work was considered solid, the morale of the engineering department suffered initially as he failed to delegate correctly, and seemed to lose his social graces under the stress and high workload. Eventually, with the mentoring of the executive officer of the vessel, he was able to adapt, and form a stronger working relationship with his subordinates.

On the Lieutenant Commander's return, Roden agreed with his wife that their daughter should have a more stable posting to grow up in, with a greater chance of meeting and learning with children of all age groups. His wife was also keen to work on a new field of research. So arose the opportunity to join Deep Space 5.
Service Record 2376 - 2380 - Starfleet Academy
2380 - 2381 - VSS Solok - Cadet
2381 - 2386 - USS Belisarius - Junior Engineer
2386 - 2389 - Kessik IV Research Station - Assistant Engineer
2389 - 2394 - USS Seshat - Assistant Chief Engineer, Acting Chief Engineer

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number RT - 692 - 7817 - RJG
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 28 - 5 South
Office Deck 1153