Lieutenant JG Jonas Pavan

Name Jonas Ignatius Pavan

Position Chief Engineer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32
Date of Birth 2360

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 11.5 in
Weight 185
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Jonas is fairly lanky, possessing a runner's build, ironic since he doesn't do much running in general. He keeps a beard shaven to SF standards, and his hair as shaggy as he can generally get away with. He has a variety of burns, blisters, scrapes and scars on his body from engineering accidents.


Spouse None
Father Wes Pavan
Mother Ingrud Pavan nee Krinshaw
Other Family Ellie Krinshaw (Cousin)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Bit of a goofball, quips and not so serious remarks are generally used to mask any nervousness and trepidation Jonas might be feeling. He knows when to take things seriously, but is never shy in trying to lighten the mood.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Engineering, which would seem to be an obvious talent of his. His engineering talent tends to express itself as a giant game of adlibs inside of his head, forming random ideas together to form one whole. People often mistake his silliness for stupidity, causing them to underestimate him. He's an above average pilot for an Engineer.

Weakness: His aim/phaser qualifiers are consistently not great. He can pass, and can mostly hit what he's aiming for. Mostly. He can get focused on a task so intently he ignores all outside stimulation/input.
Ambitions Someday, to perhaps Captain an S.C.E. ship. Nothing big. A nice Sabre class or something.
Hobbies & Interests Jonas does enjoy playing cards, generally reading and watching new vids that come along as he never really lost the bug. He's tackled his hand at writing before, but mostly it comes off fairly goofy.

Personal History If there was anything remarkable about Jonas' early childhood memories, he can't find them. Born to a lawyer and a dancer (father and mother respectively) he was raised, while not in the lap of luxury, in a respectable and comfortable life. He was slightly indulged as a child, though never spoiled.
At the age of fifteen, thanks to his mother's contacts in the entertainment industry, he auditioned for and received the part of the lead character of Jax Levi on the HoloNet Broadcast, Soldiers 5. The show was a pure propaganda push, as recruiters had noted an overall decline since the end of the war. It starred Jonas as a 15 year old son of an Admiral, cut off behind enemy lines with a squad of inexperienced ensigns, trying to find their way home as well as tasked with making trouble for the Mirage, a fictionalized version of the Tzenkethi. While the show itself lasted for only 3 years, during that time the recruitment numbers almost tripled.
During the time, Jonas used some of his latinum earned to purchase a small decommissioned first generation shuttlecraft, an old Type 7. He puttered and tinkered around with it during and after shoots, and received flight lessons and took a liking to it almost instantly, enjoying fixing the thing more than piloting it. Also, the show had given him an interest, and so he began to apply himself more and more to his school work, working on Academy prep courses for when he turned 18, not wanting to simply operate a cargo container or hauler.
He took to the engineering easily, having gotten almost 3 years of experience from his own work on the fighter, as well as picking up what he could from the special effects wizards on the set, though nothing as hectic as what he was put through. He struggled slightly with formulas, but managed a solid average that put him, while not at the top of his class, at a respectable place. He did his Academy work study program in Tycho City’s waste reclamation division.
After graduation, he served a dull but brief border patrol guard duty on the Hazelwood, before being transferred to Outpost 3. Mostly older and near retirement engineers were sent there to serve out the remainder of their shifts. But an attentive and open newbie can learn a lot of tricks from these grizzled veterans, as an old engineer is an experienced one. Jonas annoyed the ever loving hell out of them picking their brains, but learn from them he did.
Impressing several higher ups with quick thinking from helping to fix up the various transports and starships that made their way to the Outpost, Jonas was deemed ready to be placed in a nominal position of authority aboard a starship, and was promoted to Lieutenant and Assistant Chief of Engineering aboard the Dixie.
The Dixie was an aging Miranda Class starship that had been reassigned from a troop carrier into an Engineer Corps carrier. Of course, being on an Engineering shipship made for a fair amount of line crossing and friendly rivalries as to whom exactly ran the ship, the S.C.E. detachment or the engineering staff. There was a lot of friendly rivalry and pranks, but Jonas managed to give as good as he got, reprogramming the entire Tech staff’s personal log playbacks to emit only the Academy March instead of the actual words for almost 2 days before they tracked down the problem. Of course, he paid for it when the lights in Engineering “suddenly” took on a permanent purple hue for a week. It wasn’t all fun and games though, and he did manage to distinguish himself nicely, helping his shipmates in tackling the problem of the space hook nearly falling out of orbit onto Cestus III and the industrial fabrication crisis of the miners of the asteroid cluster near the Crab Nebula. Jonas also filled in when the Chief Engineer Atalmis was on leave, and did just fine running the show.
Once again impressing the higher ups, especially during the time a moon was nearly destabilized out of its orbit by a careless freighter, he was transferred once more, gaining an Engineering command of his own and promotion to serve on Deep Space Five.
Service Record 2378 - Entered Academy
2381 - Final Year Work Study Tycho City
2382-2383 - USS Hazelwood
2383 - 2386 - Outpost 3
2386-2392 - USS Dixie

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number PJ - 390 - 1836 - LQA
Security Clearance Level 3
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters Deck 25, East 42
Office Main Engineering, Deck 1153