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Wed Oct 19, 2016 @ 3:44am

Ensign Mikk Toral

Name Mikk Toral

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill (unjoined)
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10'' (178 cm)
Weight 165lbs (75kg)
Hair Color brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Mikk is an athletic and rather slim man. His dark brown hair is cut short. Since his paternal grandmother was not Trill, he has only a slight indication of Trill spots.


Spouse none; mother of his daughter left him
Children Alarra Toral
Father Kall Toral (Half-Trill; joined)
Mother Mary Harax (joined)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Due to his own experiences in his childhood days, Mikk has a good sense of fairness. Mikk Toral is an idealist. He sticks close to the rules and regulations of Starfleet as he thinks they are the guarantee that everything is dealt with in the best possible way.
Mikk doesn't like to have to use a phaser and tries to avoid it if he can. If he really has to use it though, he wouldn't hesitate to do so either.

On the one hand, Mikk Toral has a fairly frank and cheerful character. Furthermore, you could describe him as rather selfless as he tries to help others when they need help. Therefore, he works very well in teams.
On the other hand, it takes some time until he really calls someone a friend and he has only a handful of really close ones. If he got to know a person and likes her / him, he is a good sport. He really likes bantering with his friends.

During his time at the Academy, he wasn't hostile to student life and spent lots of evenings out with his close friends. He still likes to get to know new people but can be reserved and aloof until he gets to know someone better.
However, there are those times when he needs to be alone. Then he is not in the mood of talking and just wants to sit in the dark looking out the starship's windows into the vast space outside.
A negative character trait is that he can be quite grumpy early in the mornings and he needs at least two cups of strong black tea before he starts to feel and act okay again.

His daughter Alarra really means the world to him. However, as he is a single parent and there is no other close family member, it is his greatest personal concern that she is fine and safe.
Strengths & Weaknesses + fair
+ frank and cheerful character
+ works well in teams

- reserved and aloof towards people he does not know well
- morning grouch
- Mikk Toral is not always as self-confident as he wants to make others believe. This is due to his childhood experiences when he was bullied by others. He tends to cover this especially since he became a single parent.
Ambitions He wants to proof to himself that he can really achieve things
Furthermore he wants to help others. His daughter is very important to him and he would do everything for her and to protect her.

Hobbies & Interests Mikk likes to play holo novels in his free time. Although he works in security, his favourite free-time holonovels are (also) detective stories, as he likes to solve the riddle of finding the 'bad guys'. Apart from that he likes doing some sports as this helps him to stay fit and to get his head free again after a long day of scientific research.

- hot, strong, black tea preferrably Earl Grey or Darjeeling

-Hearsay: Mikk doesn't like people who talk about others although there are really unverified stories and just based on hearsay. He refuses to take part in such conversations and might even get indignant due to that.
-Bullying: Mikk was bullied by other Trill children in when he attended primary school as his spots were lighter than usual. This is due to the fact that one of his grandmothers was human. Therefore he doesn't like bullying and he developed a good sense of fairness.
-Being away from his daughter Alarra

Disappointments in Life:
-Rejection by the Symbiosis Commission: They stated that he was not suited to be considered as a host because his paternal grandmother was in fact not Trill. The Commission argued that that might still cause complications for the symbiont. Mikk himself, however, thinks that this decision was not based on medical facts, but on presumptions the Commission made resting on difficulties with Half-Trill applicants in the past. Nevertheless, his protest was ignored and he was not allowed to take part in the initial tests for possible joinings.
-The fact that his girlfriend and mother of his daughter left them both alone.

Personal History Mikk Toral was born as to Kall and Boldara in the city of Gheryzan on the Trill homeworld. He would describe his early childhood days as a really happy time. The problems started in primary school when some kids started teasing him because of his lighter, unincisive Trill spots. His paternal mother was human and this could still be seen. Mikk was really afflicted with that bullying. It took some time before he told his parents about it since he was afraid it might get worse when the other kids found out he told them about it. Eventually the problem could be solved with the help of the teachers and when he got older, he found some real friends. Nevertheless, this episode in his life still plays a major role for him, although he wouldn't admit it to anyone apart from his really close friends.

When he turned 18, he tried to get into the joining programme, but his application was turned down by the Symbiosis Commission because of possible problems for the symbiont due to his human grandmother. This argumentation really hurt him inside as it revived his childhood memories of his time being bullied. He decided to leave his homeworld shortly afterwards to join Starfleet Academy.

Mikk Toral joined the Academy when he was 18 years old. He saw this as a chance to get to see more than just his homeworld and to satisfy his curiosity. Another reason for his decision was that he really wanted to be part of this big, peaceful organisation to help others. It took some time until he decided to concentrate on the security department. Due to the tempts of student life, his marks at the Academy were mediocre all in all. He didn't spend much time learning and was nevertheless able to pass the tests and courses. Sometimes he wonders what his results might have been if he had really made an effort. But then again he thinks that these years at the Academy have been the best ones up until now.

During his time at the Academy, he fell in love with a fellow cadet from Earth. The 'result' of this love affair was a little girl called Alarra.

After his graduation of the Academy, he was transferred to Deep Space 224 where he worked as an engineer. Shortly after being transferred there, he found a message of his girlfriend and mother of Alarra. In this message she told him she had to leave them as she just could not lead a life like that. No more explanation was given. Since that message, he has never heard anything from her again. Alarra was still too little back then to remember her mother and Mikk doesn't really want to speak about her. He was now a single father for Alarra.
Service Record Served on Starbase 224 as engineer
Transferred to Deep Space 5

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